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The link for the walkthrough isn't working for me, is there a working link somewhere?

Played for like an hour and it seems like eating/drinking doesn't do anything to fill my characters bladder/bowels. Anybody else have a bug like this?

I'm not able to find the teacher to give the reccomendation letter of the secret diaper club i followed the guide but nothing seems to work

where is the master key to get into the daycare?

What is the name of the song that plays when you get sent to the nursery area in the observatory after getting caught and regressed???

 I really like that song and would love to be able to listen to it more :)


Blippy Trance - Kevin MacLeod. 

Hi, I'm having trouble downloading the game, the part 002 seems to not download correctly and I can't extract the files. Part 001 downloads and unzips correctly, and though it says on the release that there are 3 parts, the download only contains 2, I'm not sure if that's an error too

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You can find a mega link mirror in the game page that can be used to have a single download if you're having trouble with the multipart archive.

Where is the laundromat at the start during the tutorial

After finding Julia, does this mean she will be in dream walker???

Also I wanted to ask if one of the rooms in the apartments is a reference to littlington university? The one with the tram trough the wall.

Also do the wells do anything at all?


I'll let you guess what will happen with Julia. It's very possible that we will see more of her later.

As for the apartments...Congratz to have stumbled upon that one, it have a very low chance of getting generated! Same as before, I'll let you guess if this is a reference ! 

The wells aren't complete yet, it will be for the last update.

Can anyone help give me hints on where to find Jason's cousin?

I've found the clue near a bus in the upper city and in the library. I've tried using the picture hint to look around the edges of the map in raven brook sense the camp looks like its against a wall of green. But at this point I'm looking in outlandish places searching her lol

Any hints or a general area to look other than raven brook?

Thank you very much in advance!


im wondering the same thing

If you figure it out please tell me. Im still not sure lol.

I found her :)

Go left along the mountains went you exit the sewers!

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Can anyone give me a hint where to find the missing formula #4?

Spoiler Warning!!!

I've found the one in the hospital, top of the school, in the haunted mansion, and the one in the lab with the missing formula lady.

I feel like I've litteraly walked every where in this game.... mabye I'm just to much of a baby and completely missed an obvious spot >.<

Any hints where to look would be much appreciated!!!


You're nearly there ! The one you lack is located in the mall.

Thank you very much! 

funny enough I actually found it on my own 4 hours latter :3 but your advice is very much appreciated <3

How to get the Mary scene that's on the screenshot?

You have to first find her flat in one of the randomly generated building.

Where can I find the shady man's suitcase?

A bit of critique. Don't take it as a hate please! I love that you take your time to make this F2P game about a very nische fetish/subject that I like, so no matter what I appreciate what you do and I want you to be better at this!

The game is still a bit janky, controlling the character is pretty challenging. I can't explain it fully, but it seems like when you hold RMB to look around it moves the camera in abrupt motion and bumping at walls.

The walk cycle animation is not synched with the walking speed. When you walk/run in this game, it looks like you're walking on ice. 

Pop-up menus conflict with the character controls. When I open an NPC shop or some sort of container and left click on an item, I get that item, and also walk towards the direction of my mouse cursor.

The character that you control looks odd, as if their torso is too short and arms and legs are too long. To illustrate my point, I put the in-game character next to a generic anime guy drawing, that has proper proportions.

Also, the clothes that you wear on your character have flickering holes in them, as if there's something wrong with the model. You can kinda see that in my screenshot.

Regarding the player model, it could use some detailing, like shadows. 

Between some building you can find some "void" places, where you can step and fall below the map.

I hope you are aware of this, and will take your experience into a consideration when making your next project.


Thanks for the review. I am indeed aware of all of theses flaws and I understand how this can degrade the experience and be frustrating. This game was a first shot at a "big scale" game, hence, things can be a bit experimental and janky sometimes.I learnt a lot  building this game, and intend to capitalize on all theses shortcomings in the next one. Most of theses case will be adressed in the current next project, which is build with scalability in mind.
Hope you still had fun nonetheless!

After finishing the game and opening the daycare with the master key, how do you get the caretakers?


Go to the community center and ask to speak to the mayor

After that? the mayor just keeps telling me that it's not ready yet.

There's a small timer, about 7-8 min game time, and a check to ensure you finished the game.

did the mirror link update as well

Yes it's updated as well

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Do you potentially have a save file I could use? My last computer kind of died and corrupted the last version of the game so it's unusable so if you do have one and could share it with me and also tell me where to put it in the files I would really appreciate that. Also I don't know if it's something with my computer but for some reason it plays sound effects but not any music

How to go to the daycare after i've compelted it

My feed updates but no changes in version?



Err where's the new version?


Probably in the next few days. Im guessing he wanted to wait for the months payment to end for his subscribestar fans so they didn't feel like they got cheated out of their money by having the access drop early? Or mabye just taking time off to celebrate the holidays.

I feel you man, I've been waiting for this update for sense it was first announced and im dying of anticipation. 

But he does do this for free so ill be happy when ever it comes out :)


Bro youtube chanell pls im not windosw

so i think i found a glitch when i try to move to the city my character falls through the map can someone help me with this

Im sad Littleington University stopped being worked on bc of Patreon purge. This will definitely be my go to know for being little. 

Ow man this game is windows but im android

When is the new update?

Gosh I hope the new update comes out soon >.<

I've been avoiding another play through for a while just for it!

Thank you Redsparrow for the wonderful content and hard work!!! :3

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I have a important question. How do I get the push ability? I read the walkthrough thing but I must be blind or smol brain

Also your game is great I love how it looks and I can see how it's being made and stuff I like the style. Even when I look over to the central city and my PC poops itself cause of it rendering xD

The push skill can be found in the haunted house. If you take the adult path, you need it to finish the level. For the child path, you need to backtrack after reaching the end.

Ah okay I tried doing the adult path but I couldn't figure it out that's why child path is easier hehe. 

But thanks I'll head back and press some stuff and try n figure out how to open the door

Grandma won't give you a shovel help plz

completed the game and currently trying to get into secret diaper club
So the problem is I cant complete first task (do volontary wetting)

Click on your bladder icon when it's at least moderately full and you will wet yourself.

already tried. doesn't work sadly

Probably isn't full enough,if you have any doubt you can send me a mail with logs and even a save and I'll look into it.

Is there a possibility of this being able to be played on mobile/ on browser?

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Not without a significant amount of work. This is a full 3D rendered game and making this work on mobile hardware or browser would require really advanced optimizations techniques.

So.... any chance I could get the daycare addon addition from paetron since i've already patreoned it in the past? Sorry for asking, it's just that money's extremely tight atm or I would've just paid the $5 for access myself. I've already paid in the past if that helps?

I prefer to handle requests like this privately, as it’s not something I typically discuss in public comments. Feel free to message me directly via email so we can chat more about it.

As a heads-up, there will be a free public update coming in about a month and a half, so even if money’s tight right now, you’ll still be able to enjoy the new content soon.

first of all i realy enjoy the game its alot of fun and it keeps me busy for hours without end i already played through the whole game multiple times but 1 thing that always confuses me im not sure if its a bug or not is the recycling i can recycle all the used diapers but it dosnt seem to work with used pullups

You might be right, due to a typo it might be impossible. I'll correct it for the next release.

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I completed the Haunted House, I then passed out from hunger and ended up at the hospital. Now, the roadblock is back (I can walk back through by walking over a police car) & the bus to the suburbs has disappeared. Any ideas what to do?

I'll investigate but this sound pretty strange. You can use the console,type skip_tuto to set the correct flag.

How to activate the wishing well, I press E but no avail? If there's a way any hints?

It's not yet implemented. It will be released in the future.

is the tree also not implemented? ( the one in the playground of brookside glade )

No,this tree is part of the story leading to the observatory.

err about the wishing well ... is there an item I need? If so where I can find it?

I'm in a weird spot. Finished the clues for the missing sister and I've walked around the map a few times. The porta-potty scene triggered after I picked up the rattle, is my save borked? Also. the walkthrough link is bugged. I've tried to open it in every way I can, nothing.

The walkthrough link is working, nothing seem broken.  From what you said, nothing sound broken on your save either. Don't hesitate to send me a mail, it's easier to troubleshot than comments.

So I have no idea what the problem is, but I can't save the game at all. I select a save file and the saving icon pops up, but the files all remain empty.

It sound like a permission issue. The saves are located in appData, ensure that the windows account you're using to launch the game have writing permissions on that folder.

So it seems to work now that I moved the folder onto my desktop. I had it inside a second folder with other H-Games. Sometimes games i've played just don't start unless they are on the desktop, but this is the first time I've had one that won't save :P.

Gald it's working ! Your second folder probably don't have sufficiant permission to read and/or write systems files. If a game need a specific DLL from windows to launch, it won't launch. The Pacifier Project is compiled as a standalone, thus is can launch from anywhere (in theory) but need access to write save files. 

So I played again and I have discovered that it is making saves, but it is not updating the game menu unless I exit to the main menu, then it shows up in the Load menu as being available

Can't find the sketchbook for Ryan's quest ...

where can i find the sketchbook for ryans quest

Err about the ryan quest?

I got the paint tube, what's the other 2 itmes?

and where to find it

And where's the save file? So i can save it once the new update releases

Your save file is located in appdata/locallow/RedSparrow/ThePacifierProject

As for the Ryan quest,the items can be found around the campus,in the city and in the suburbs.

I found the tube and the quill 'where's the sketchbook??

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it won't let me unzip The pacifier project_r1.0.0(Public).7z.001 

it says its corrupt        help please


You have to download the two other files, put theses in the same folder, then unzip it,preferably with 7zip. Or just use the mega mirror link.

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thank you

(2 edits)

Err about the ryan quest?

I got the paint tube, what's the other 2 itmes?

and where to find it

And where's the save file? So i can save it once the new update releases

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