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Can you add an option to disable the left click move and interact? 

I think there's a bug with the diaper club quest. I got to the very end of it where you have to scan the card on the thing on the shelf and when I did the dresser got moved out of the way but there was no door into the club just a brick wall

Hello, this is not a bug. The follow-up is yet to be released.

Oh ok ty for clarifying

hitting the load button while in the science lab got rid of my clothes loaded after being hit by a laser and before the dialog stoped 

Deleted 22 days ago

it's in the hunted house to get in you will have to get the key which can be done on the second day after talking to someone witch tells you how to find the key then you can find the key in the location he tells you then if you eat the key you can enter (I forget where you meet him.)

Actually you can also get the Push ability by going through the Hat Ghost's area, only the item on that path that gives Push is a pair of Magic Gloves.

A quest log would be nice if that's not already planned.

Also a Guide too I'm having trouble finding the scissors and needle.

Deleted 22 days ago

take them off in order to put them in inventory then turn on the nearest washing machine multiple times as it will clean one unequipped soiled item at random each time (there is one in your house bathroom)

you should make a discord server and have a semi walkthrough

How do you give the sewing needle and scissors to the tailor guy?

If talking to him once doesn't seems to work, just talk to him multiple time and you should be good to go.

(3 edits)

Could you add in a way to move and interact with objects and NPC's with the left mouse button like with Littleington University please? It would be a lot easier to play using only one hand then.


Yes,I already planned it. Just have to find the right time to add it.


So can someone help me with like a guide or something? I found a pacifier a bag and a rattle but, I can't find this npc's lost sister. What alley are they in or where do I need to go? I am lost.

You found the pacifier and the rattle, now you have to read an add panel to get a clue, and talk to the red haired girl near the bus stop. It's not clear in this build, but in the next release you'll got an help panel.

which house is the players house?

It's the house where you respawn after your "encounter" right after the tutorial.

(1 edit)

found a lot of out of bounds areas and also you need to add a way to respawn the tool box as you can break the quest by picking it up day one and then waiting tell day 2 to give it to him in witch case you wont get the screwdriver. also there is a really small path to start day to events without it being day 2 witch I happened to find before doing the day one quests (latter I realized and restarted. (same place as you see the "little girl" day one but go in the other directions as the buildings aren't quite together you can walk to day twos stuff while still being in day one) also you can give the old man near the library his wallet as many times as you like for infinite cash. 

(1 edit)

Thanks for your report. I'm already quite aware of this kind of bugs but for now it's not really game-breaking so it's on low-priority. Some players can even like theses to abuse it and sequence break!

Downloaded this game last night and have had a blast playing it, especially considering you've been doing it alone on Unity (know it can be a pain in the ass). Just wanted to say keep up the great work and I can't wait for the next update! (Looks really promising)  

(1 edit)

Thanks, it's  always welcomed to get message like that !

where do i find the suitcase?

It's hidden near the player house. You'll need the push skill to get it.

where can i find the board

I think it's the one next to the guy who lost his wallet.


i just bought the game via but it just shows me the last update from june? How to fix that?

I sent you a private mail regarding your question.

i'd like the latest version please? also when you leave the players house you fall through the ground

Hello, I was wondering. I read that you are doing this game by yourself. Would you like some help with it? I just graduated as a video game designer, so my specialty is world development. I can also do a bit of coding. I really like this game and would love to help out. I am not looking for money either. (Im mainly wanting to learn more through working on a game tbh.) I would have messaged privotly, but couldnt find anywhere to do that. lol



You can drop me a mail at if you want to talk about this in private.

Can someone point me in a direction? I found the pacifier, rattle and the board for that quest and I said I had to investigate further. Outside of that quest I got the wallet and the toolbox (and got the screwdriver) and I can't for the life of me find any way to progress further. Any help?

Did you found the lost girl in a small backalley? It's near the main plaza. This will trigger an event that will make you progress.

hello! so i really like the game play but often when i walk into like stores everyone turns black as if my game broke and idk what to do

Hello ! Is it the screen who turn black or the NPC ?

The NCP and my own tho it didnt happen before.

Sound like a file access issue. Did you try launching the game as administrator?

do you think you could make this for androi

This would require a lot of optimisation and tweaking. For now it's not really on my plans, I'll think about cross-platform when the windows build will be near the end of developpement.

Do you know when the next itch update will come out? Just curious

The next major update will come out when the next level is ready to roll out. I'm currently working on it. Always hard to give an estimate but I'd say in a couple months.

I really think that there should be a map that you can pull up to show you the locations of places

Interesting. I'll see if this is possible to implement.

Is there a walkthrough?

No, there isn't one. In the next update, there will be a diary that will serve as a quest log.

Great! When will it be published?

It's already published on Patreon as a minor update. As for the itch update, it will need a few more months as I have to still make a lot of content.

This is really good, the detail put into an alpha for such a specific type of game is great, the bugs i did encounter weren't even that bad, keep up the great work for sure keeping my eye on this one.

(1 edit)

how do you move the wooden boxes? I have done everything else in the haunted mansion.

You can find an item that will allow you to push crates. It's hidden in two different places in the haunted mansion, both cases require a bit of backtracjing after finishing a part.

I found the key to get into the mansion but I can't get in because she's scared. what should I do?


Click on the key. It will make it disappear and grant you access to the mansion.

thank you. and I wanted to ask how far this demo ends? since I saved the woman from the ghost and I don't know what else to do.

For now, you reached the end of the free release! The next part of the story is currently under devloppement.

Deleted 2 years ago

Thanks! Of course, there's still a lot more to be done, but progress is made every day.

I'm always reading and listening to ideas. If you feel like you have an interesting one, don't hesitate to drop me a mail or contact me on my Patreon.

(1 edit)

I cannot believe how much distance and momentum you have gotten such a MASSIVE ball to roll... I have seen unity projects like this for ABDL 2 other times, and both are not great... THIS on the other hand... WOW... ACES!!!

I've been bitten in the butt quite a few times by creators promising things they don't deliver, but it really looks like you have some serious dedication and follow through. I will be watching the progress of this game indefinitely.

Can't wait to be able to play as a male. When that progress starts. You better believe I'll be in your corner putting my money where my mouth is.

Thank you a lot for your review. It's always heartwarming to get messages like that!

The boy is already playable in the last patreon build if you can't wait. Otherwise, it will be available in the next major release ,probably in a couple month or so.

(1 edit)

Awesome, I've added this game to my collection with a detailed blurb. There are several gaming communities that keep my collection bookmarked on their browsers. Hopefully this gets you an increased player base. Keep up the awesome work.

This game is.. It's not BAD, but it's not the best- I couldn't do any better- or anything at all- but some things are buggy. Mainly the "every time you unequip pants it's dirty/soiled". And there's close to 0 guide, it just tells you to do something and tells you nothing else- Not where to go, just what to do and it's hard to find.

Thanks for your input. I can understand that the soiled clothes bug is very annoying. It's already corrected and will be fixed in the next update.

You're also not the only one to complain about directions. I've begun to implement a diary-like system that can act as a guide. I'll talk about it later.

I know bugs are very frustrating, both for the player and for the dev. I hope you still had fun, don't hesitate to give it a go on a future update when things polish out a bit.

Will it be possible to carry over saves in the future so every playthrough doesn't have to start from the beginning?

I'm currently reworking the save system to account for saving slots and boy character integration so likely your save won't be compatible for the next release. But I'll had a "skip tutorial" option so you don't have to replay it all the way from the beginning.


I'm stuck in this game. I found the pacifier, the rattle, the clues on the board and from that girl at the accident, but i can't get past the "Was your sister interested in baby stuff"-part. The text says i should look some more, but i cannot find anything.  :( what is missing?

Some walkthrough would be nice :)

You'll have to find the missing sister than should be in a back alley near the shop. That part need more hand-holding and I'm currently working on it.

Where is the sister? if it's the back alley with the construction worker then they didn't spawn for me.

(2 edits)

So I had a few glitches and bugs in a row that almost  killed my save. I loaded my save that was in the basement. I was naked, reloading wouldn't work. I was still naked. I tried to pick up the black shirt, but it wouldn't be in my inventory. Same for the rusty key. I then triggered enough traps for the ghost to diaper me. I was locked in place and couldn't move, even if I reloaded the save I couldn't walk. I quit out and I couldn't load my save. I'd click Load Game, the spooky music would play, but I was still on the menu. For the hell of it I restarted the game, hit new game,  hit load game from the new game's menu. I was naked again in a endless void. I saved in the void, hit load game and was TPed back to spawn naked. I have no idea what I did to trigger so many bugs in a row, but I figured you'd want to know.  

Edit: I have now found I cannot add anything new to my inventory. I can't buy things or add anything from my chest in my home. I had to hit X on most of my stuff, save again, load again and for now it seems that fixed it. Really odd. I don't know what I did wrong to bug the game out. 

Also I don't know if I'm doing anything wrong, but I can't give that guy the scissors and needle.

(1 edit)

I can't give him the scissors and needle either. Edit: You have to be mature.

(1 edit)

Yeah as I said saving and reloading in the mansion can softlock the game. I'm investigating the issue.  Likely, when you spawn naked it mean the loading system don't recognize something, hence failling to load you stuff (the inventory and equipement is loaded at the end of the process). That's it for the technical explanation, now I have to find what doesn't load properly before that point.

(2 edits)

Where can I find the scissors for the supermarket? Also, is it possible to find the screwdriver and toolbox in this update?

Here's a few bugs I've found that I have not seen discussed:

Running while pushing crates causes you to be stuck in that position until you push a crate again while walking.

Whenever the character is about to have an accident, the sound effect stutters over itself. The more you move, the longer the accident takes to happen. Leaving an area speeds up the process. Sometimes, an accident won't happen until you leave an area. 

Diapers hold an infinite amount. Diapers OP. 

If you run too fast when entering a building, you will fall into the void.

In the adult section of the mansion, by the chest where you get the black t-shirt, I moved too fast into a crate, and it launched me into the ceiling. 

When you fall into the void, sometimes you become... naked? Interesting.

How do you push the crates?

you need to find a hidden room in the mansion. I found it by sheer luck. I wish I could tell you how I did it.  

The scissors car be found in both route of the mansion but are quite well hidden and require some backtracking. 

Yes, you can find the screwdriver and the toolbox. The sidequest for the arcade end when you "open" it.

You found some interesting issues here. I already know about the pushing crate stuck position, and the diaper-infinite hold is being worked on. As for the rest,thank you,I'll investigate.

(5 edits)

Maybe I'm being really stupid but how do you get to the suburbs / neighborhood area like where your house is too? At first I thought it was from progressing the story but even when I find the girls bag I can't give it to the crying girl. Do I possibly have to move the crates out of the way in the starting area? Cuz I've walked all over and I can't seem to figure out how to do that. 

The starting area could use more clarity and I'm currently working with that for the next update so no, you're not stupid. The bag you found is used to unlock the running skill and not as a clue to bring back to the crying girl. Maybe you missed a clue? You have to find two items, a NPC will give you a clue, and there's a last one at an add-panel.

Deleted 2 years ago

How do you get to the room in the player's house?

The key is near the house but will require an item you'll find in the haunted house level.

Why is this not out for non patrons yet? My understanding was that there would be a free release with the first major update.

You can read my last announcement for the details and for the date of the release.

Got it, I'll be eagerly waiting.

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