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I just want to wish you good luck on the update. Cool concept!


Will there be an option to have someone be your caretaker, and even choose to be a full on ABDL? I'd like to have that be something you can do. I was thinking there would be two NPCs that are actively looking for someone to care for, one guy, one girl. If they see you wearing diapers, they won't be confused, or concerned, they'll actively try to comfort, and protect you. This would also mean their relationship level would go up if you wear diapers around them.


I'm definitely looking for deeper NPC interactions on the ABDL side so you may see something like that. As we're still in very early stage, no hard promise!


That's fair. I just haven't seen a sandbox game where you are an ABDL being cared for.


i write this to give idea on pacifier projekt there is pacifiers but mostly its just go to mouth with no purpose  maybe you can make some anxiety, frustation maybe fear   scale that it will pacifier help with to reduce  there can be some quest to find solution to anxiety of university life meybe some one from next bedroom can give idea what can reduce anxiety with give location where player can find to buy pacifier meybe there can be done that player choose design in schop nipple size at least in word that this to small that to big  and perfekt nipple size and maybe some  emotional reactions of player npc can be done like meybe disapoitment that pacifier not worked meybe its can be an option on beginning of game if pacifier reduce anxiety emotional reaction  of hapinnes that pacifier worked and him/she fill better

 those emotions i think must be it will immerse players in game will bring emotional response its must be like player is guiding his npc through game but npc is alive and can react negative , positive , neutral 

for example that player choose to like wear diapers and npc must react this way not like robot 

same way player can choose hate diapers and npc must have that reactions like no way i will wear a diaper

maybe player want wear a pull ups and npc can react that at least its not that thick like diaper and be happy 

those emotional reaction can be smart , stupid , brave 

like player is diaper lover and choose be  brave in game  to try wear little swimers to pool and player  npc must have emotional reaction that yes i am brave i will do that 

can be scenario change that  player npc meet friend on pool that hi/she dont expekted and feel chame that he wear little swimmer pull ups that friend can be good friend and support player npc or be bully and start laugh from player npc

emotion reaction of player npc now can be that newer again i will wear little swimmer to pool but player want player do xd 

if friend supported player npc and said that you look cute in little swimmers pull ups emotional reaction can be happynes of supported and will immerse player npc more in abdl theme like thoughts that meybe i can wear diapers more often or 24/7

meybe you can make some scale that player npc is reacting from like if positeve moment like support of friend  and player npc is happy and will react positive and if player npc wass humiliated will make him mood change 

mood change of player npc if scale of bad situation , good situation neutral situations  and change dialogs of player npc depends on mood 

i know that its a lot of dialogue here to make with my ideas   and a lot work

like for example schock for first bedwetting accident for example that its cant be i havent have accident from 5 year old

some thoughts can come to player  npc that its only 1 time accident and hi/sche can ignore but later 2 night come wet some thoughts of player npc can be that maybe use some protection if hapen again 

there can be mattres cover to buy 

you can make quest  that if the mattress is ruined with too many accidents to buy new one 

some one can point this to player that mattres is ruined and make to change mattres and will force wear protection from that time 

sorry if give you to many job with my ideas 

Looking forward to this! :3

can i have access to the demo

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are there going to be NPCs in this game who have an ABDL fetish or maybe just an interest in DL? And if so will said NPCs try to convince your characters to try out diapers as they get to know your character. I liked the idea  of the Domme bar in the last game but it'd be cool if there was like a way to get an invite instead of sneaking in. Like maybe a mommy dommy takes an interest in the mc and tries to get the MC interested and slowly ease the MC into it? Or maybe a neighbor who has a thing for DL and either the MC finds out at one point and gets curious or The NPC brings up the topic once there's a bit more trust between them? I think you could come up with some fun things with these kinds of NPCs.

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cant wait for the release of a free version of dreamwalker

Is the game going to be free?


. However you can pay 5$ on his subscribestar to get early access to new updates before they become free.  But it is currently still dosent have a demo yet.

ok, thank you for letting me know!

You said that you want to add 18+ content to the new game (sex, etc.) have you already given up on this idea?

That’s still very much in the plans.If anything changes, I’ll make sure to communicate it clearly. Until then, you can trust that what I’ve talked about is still on track.


Good luck! We appreciate your work!


Good luck with the game!

can you put some download links in here

Currently there are no download links, as the game is still in an early development stage.


YEEEESSS!!! I'm so excited to be part of this from the very beginning <3

Pacifier Project is the best ABDL ggame out there and the description of Dreamwalker sounds like its going to be sooo freaking good!!!

Thank you for all your hard work Sparrow!

All your art work is going right on the fridge ~

sounds really good  enjoyed pacifier project as well and i am curious and eager to try this out if its out :) 

FIRST and im excited to play this game since well i enjoyed the pacifier project thoough there was some clipping problems where id clip out of the floor of the map near the ravenbrook bus but seeiong this is gonna be a bigger project than the pacifier project i am looking forward to the release of the demos and  of course i hope theres gonna be lotsa stuff to explore maybe even a furry character idk but thats what im looking forward to in this new game you are making redsparrow