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How can I push the crate inside of the garden? I just can run towards it?

If you have the required item to push the crate, yes, you just have to walk toward it.

Any way to just use the diaper on purpose? Like just having a way to play where you enjoy your diapers whitout being babied or feel ashamed of it.

Yeah,just click the bowel or bladder icon in the GUI. Providing you're full enough, it will empty it.

will the game treat it like an accident? or is my character able to basicely enjoy it?

(1 edit)

If you use this the game acknowledge it's voluntary.

Can you make work for android?

I will not deliver any build for mobile platform,but like with extensive modding anyone is free to port the game.

I found a bug that completely prevents you from moving from where you are, I don't know if it's known: at the bar after failing and I chose the answer to the question: "..." after unlocking the objective I find myself in the main room of the basement with the dialogues of the two characters and the change of diapers in a loop, the menu (and we can use it normally) and the 3 pages like for the profile open we can use objects but nothing happens except that the objects disappear from the bag, we are forced to reload our last save to continue playing

Hey,thanks for the report.

I couldn't reproduce your issue,if you want me to investigate it deeper you can mail me your save file along the player log and I'll dig a bit to see what can be wrong. 

i soon retry this bug ,  oh and a question what command for the room 3 after the brainwash , i no found

So I can't seem to unzip the game. It tells me it's a corrupted file. Any help with that?

You're probably using winrar, multiples zip files must be unzipped using 7zip. Or you can use the mega mirror, which download the game as a single file instead of splitting it in three.

hey i'm kind of trapped in the hospital section, the guard rotation resets with them right on top of me and forces a return to the start. Even after re-loading the nurses and office staff seem to catch sight of me through walls and will put me back at the start :(

is there a noclip/invisible command to get through this part without just hitting the level skip? i'm on my first playthrough and don't want to ruin the game progression

If you're looking for an organic way of easing out the hospital, check the alarm button in the kitchen of the cafeteria : it despawn all the guards,significantly easing out the progression. The nurses and office workers are still here, but it should be more manageable.

Amazing game! Sure there are bugs, but love what you've done with the game and kinda adds to the charm as a small indy dev. 

Here are a few things i've found, not to criticize but inform.  

-plenty of spelling errors mostly transposed or missing letters.  A few issues with tense. ex. Blew up instead of blowed up

-Lots of bugs created by loading the game without exiting first. Load does not appear to reset all "flags" ex. if your being spanked and cant move. loading before that happens still leaves you in that state.

-can pick up multiple key items and can never get rid of them. cissors, needles ect. 

A few questions.

I found a few items in the haunted house baby path medal and something else, never seemed to have a use.

Could never start the diaper club line. The spy girl was never there.  Does it break if you do caregiver first? had to console cheat to get in.

Ryan memories, went to the art studio but was nothing there.

Can you free the girls in the observatory? Also the keycard for elevator is super picky to interact with.

Keep up the great work, cant wait to see what you cook up next!


I'm very glad to know that you loved the game even with theses issues. Some of it will never be fixed, simply because I'm slowly moving out to others projects, and while theses issues are annoying,it's not (generally) game breaking. Still, I'm working on a new update, and I'm fixing what I can in the meantime.

For your questions:

- Theses items can be sold to the shady vendor to gain some money. To be honest, it's a leftover of early development where I was trying to figure out how to gain money,and I didn't bother to redo theses items.

- I think that I never tested doing caregiver first so it might break things. I'll try to reproduce it.

- It depend at which point you get to the art studio : you first have to collect three things for Ryan, after which you can hunt his memories.

- As of 1.0.0 you cannot free them but this might change in the next update.


i collected the art supplies and was sent to the art studio. got the quest tracker for the memories, but i cant find anything there to interact with except the painting which does nothing. Maybe because i had to cheat my way into diaperclub?

Did you got the memories glasses and equipped theses? The memories are hidden unless you equip this item. You're supposed to get it from the lab geek after entering the diaper club.

That did it. Had to talk to him multiple times.

How does voluntary wetting work ?

(1 edit)

Click on the bladder /bowel icon and that will do the trick. You need to have your bladder/bowel level to a certain amount.


cant find Sam's apartmen

Building layout is randomly generated each game session. Either find another building, or restart the game to get a new seed.

I liked your game very much, I just found one bug, but maybe you know that it exist, if not: I had a messy Diaper and could not get rid of it. I tried it with the ghost nanny, with my friend  with the red pullover and in the hospital. But I could click on underpants and I have worn it in the charakter sheet, but I always saw a weared messyone even if I dide not wear it "officially". So far from me - maybe it helps, Thank you for your time :-)

Thanks for your review! Indeed, this is a know bug.


supports joystick


which game engine are you using to make games, im planing to make a abdl game as well but im not sure where to star

I'm using unity. Despite the recent backlash it's one of the most solid and flexible engines out  there and there's an huge amount of documentation and tutorials. Good luck!

thx :)

(1 edit)

will there ever be a furry mode? which changes every character to be some kinda anthropomorphic species... also when will more content be added?


I won't personally do this kind of update. But the game can be modded and whoever want to make a mod like that is free to proceed.

More content will be publicly added at the end of the year.

never mind i figured it out

Deleted 136 days ago
(1 edit)

How does voluntary wetting work? it's not in the controls and i cant progress diaper club... why isnt it in the controls?

great game and glad I finally get to play. also is this game still going to be getting updates?

Glad you had fun. Next update will probably be at the end of the year.

(1 edit)

good to know. And yeah this is pretty solid save for a few bugs here and there, and having to figure out the voluntary messing/ wetting prompt on my own there's not much to complain about. I mean the haunted house is annoying. Had to skip level one because I either  couldn't activate or couldn't find the switch in front of the mirror. And I'm not even gonna try to evade those ghosts with the camera snapping back to a reasonable position so slowly. But that's it really. that being said I look forward to future updates as well as what you come up with next. :)

I finally get to try this out. Thank you so much for putting up the mega file. I'll let you know my thoughts once I've played it a bit.

(1 edit)

can u use the ray gun

Not yet. It's a placeholder.

ive asked 2 months before but im still in need of help with the lab testing of the ghost substance which i am unable to trigge


It's very hard to track down this kind of request in comments, so feel free to send me a mail with as much details as possible so I can help you.


thanks and i think i figured it out. apparently i hadnt done the step that you needed to do beforehand so i managed to progress


For those of you that like copy and paste for the commands.

HELP : Give a list of all the commands with a short description.

ITEMLIST : Give a list of all the items in game so you can check the name to use it with giveitem.

giveitem 3DGlasses - See the world in two tints!

giveitem AncientBook -This book seems to contain intel about the big ghost plan.

giveitem AncientJar - A covered, ancient jar. I wonder whats inside? But it's saled.

giveitem Apple - A shiny apple. just looking at it makes you salivate.

giveitem AppleJuice - A large apple jucebottle. Very refreshing. But make's you pee faster.

giveitem ArcadeTokenBox - A box containing 50 arcade tokens. Use it to add the tokens to your curent total. Ready to play games?

giveitem BabyBottle - A large baby bottle filled with milk. Definitely too large for a kid.

giveitem BabyDeminOveralls - A pair of demin overall. Fit for a big baby.

giveitem BabyDress - A pretty dress. Fit for a big bag baby.

giveitem BabyFood - A can of baby food. Some say its tasty... Will you try it? Highly caloric

giveitem BabyPrintedDiaper - A baby printed diaper. Feel's oversized for a baby.

giveitem BabyRattle - An oversized rattle.

giveitem new item -

giveitem BackRoomKey - The key to my backroom.

giveitem BakedSoda - A can full of Baked Soda. It's a reagent used in various household task.

giveitem Ball - A soft ball. Can be thrown. Doesn't hurt too much.

giveitem BalletFlatBlack - A pair of ballet flats.

giveitem Banana - A yellow banana. Sweet but still healthy.

giveitem BearPanties - Panties with a cute bear behind.You're feeling cute!

giveitem BearPantiesDot - Panties with a cute bear behind and dot pattern.

giveitem BearPantiesHeart - Panties with a cute bear behind and heart pattern.

giveitem BearPlushie - A big plush of a giant bear. Feels comfy. Might interest someone.

giveitem BeerBottle - A light acoholic beverage. Only for adults.

giveitem Blackshirt - A symple black shirt.

giveitem BlueHoodie - A comfy blue hoodie.

giveitem BlueShirt - A blue shirt.

giveitem BlueTshirtBaby - A blue Tshirt with a babyish print.

giveitem BodyTracker - Dive into your body.

giveitem Bread - A loaf of full bread. Make your stomach feel full.

giveitem Burger -A delicious burger overfilled with cheese.

giveitem Cabage -A really healthy lettuce. Eating that sound's very mature.

giveitem Candy - A delicious candy pack. Very childish, but so sweet!

giveitem Carrot - A washed, alreadty peeled carrot. you can eat it raw.

giveitem CatPaddle - A paddle shaped like a cat paw. Might hurt if used to hit someonse butt.

giveitem CharcoalTShirt - A symple charcoal shirt.

giveitem ChocoIceCream - A cocolate-flavored ice cream. Yum!

giveitem Chocolate - A cholate pack, wraped in tinfoil.

giveitem Cissors -An old, stylised pair of scissor. May be usefull to someone.

giveitem CoffeeCup - An hot coffee cup. Energy boost, but bladder-agressive.

giveitem CommunityKey - A rusty old key you found in a moat. Probably open a door somewhere?

giveitem Cookie - A cookie filled with chocolate. Yum!

giveitem CoolDivice - What's this? It's shiny and very pretty. Maybe someone can help me.

giveitem CreamTshirt - A cream-shaded Tshirt.

giveitem CupCake- A nice Cupcake. Not really good for your health.

giveitem CushiesDiaper -Sometimes you just hat to be playful and fun...

giveitem CushiesPack -Sometimes you just hat to be playful and fun! A pack full of Cushies diapers.

giveitem CustomDiaper - A plain white diaper. Sized for an adult. Holds a myserious power...

giveitem CustomDiaperPack -a pack of symple diapers. But what if...

giveitem DarkDenimPants - A pair of jean pants. Pretty but still fashionable.

giveitem DarkTShirt - A dark Tshirt.

giveitem DenimPants - A pair of jean pants. Pretty but still fashionable.

giveitem DenimPantsBrown - A pair of jean pants. Pretty but still fashionable.

giveitem DenimPantsViolet - A pair of jean pants. Pretty but still fashionable.

giveitem DiaperGlasses - Detect's a diaper wearer around.

giveitem DiaperPack - A plain diaper pack. It crinkles when you thouch it.

giveitem DiaperTokenPack - A box containing 50 Diaper Club tokens. Use it to add the tokens to your curent total.

giveitem Diuretics- Diuretics pills. Speed's up urine production.

giveitem Donut - A sweet donut. Not really good for your health, but very yummy.

giveitem EnchantedSketchbook - As you flip through it's pages, you notice that the sketches within ome to life, showcasing various mythical creatures and fantasy landscapes.

giveitem FishingRod - A fishing rod. Use it for fishing or grab items in rivers and lakes. Can also be thrown.

giveitem Fuse - An eletric fuse. Might be usefull to someone.

giveitem GhostBuster - A strange item glooming with wierd magic.

giveitem GhostDiaper - A printed daiepr with ghost on it. Boo!

giveitem GhostlyDiaperPack - Ghostly printed diaper. Cute and scary at the same time.

giveitem GreenHoodie - A comfy green hoodie.

giveitem GreenTankTop - A green tank top.

giveitem GreenTShirt - A simple, bacic green TShirt.

giveitem GreyHoodie - A comfy grey hoodie.

giveitem GreyShirt - A grey shirt.

giveitem HalfPantsGreen - A pair of short pants. Large and confortable.

giveitem HalfPantsPink - A pair of short pants. Large and confortable.

giveitem HalfPantsRed - A pair of short pants. Large and confortable.

giveitem HalfPantsViolet - A pair of short pants. Large and confortable.

giveitem HalfPantsYellow - A pair of short pants. Large and confortable.

giveitem Hanted House Key - An heavy gold key.

giveitem HeartDiaper - A printed daiepr with cute heart print on it.

giveitem HighSneakers - Comfy and resistant, perfect fit.

giveitem HighSneakersBlue - Comfy and resistant, perfect fit.

giveitem HospitalGown - An oversized Hospital Gown.

giveitem HotDog - Filled to the brim with ketchup. feel's a bit childish.

giveitem ImmaturityPills - Odds Pills. Use this to insantly drop maturity.

giveitem IridecentPaintTubes - These tubes of iridescent paint are known for their mesmerizing color shifts when exposed to light.

giveitem KiddiePullUpsPack - A pack full of unicorn-printed pullups. For childs who still wet the bed.

giveitem KneePad - A pair of kneepad. With that, you'll be able to crawl!

giveitem Lantern - This thing is so old you wonder how it sill works.

giveitem LavenderDiaper - A lavender diaper. Soft, relaxing, and super absorbent!

giveitem LavenderPack - Lavender diapers. Soft, relaxing, and absorbent for big babies.

giveitem LavenderTshirt - A lavender Tshirt.

giveitem Laxatives - Laxative pills. Speeds up bowel movements.

giveitem Leekpieslice - A slice of leek pie. fitted for a more mature taste.

giveitem LeftOverNote - A folded page of paper.

giveitem LemonIceCream - A Lemon-flavored ice cream. Yum!

giveitem LiftAccessCard - Grants access to the lift.

giveitem LightBlueShirt - A light blue shirt.

giveitem LightBlueSkirt - A light blue skirt. You feel free!

giveitem LightBlueTShirt - A simple, basic blue TShirt.

giveitem LightGreenSkirt - A light green skirt. You feel free!

giveitem LightPinkSkirt - A light pink skirt. You feel free!

giveitem LitleKingDiaper - A little king diaper. Roar!.

giveitem LitleKingPack - Little king diapers. Roar!

giveitem LoafersBrown - A pair of loafers. Not the most stylish, but confortable.

giveitem LostStatue - A small stone statue. Maybe it can fit somewhere.

giveitem Machinery - One of the machinery lying along the observatory boss room.

giveitem MankerRed - A pair of Ballet Flat with lacets on top.

giveitem Mask -A protective mask. Nobody will know who you are...

giveitem MaturityPills - Odds Pills. Use this to insantly gain maturity.

giveitem MedicalDiaper - A standard medical diapers.

giveitem MedicalDiaperPack - A package of medical diapers.

giveitem MedicalPullUpsPack - A pack full of medical pullups. Used for mild incontinence.

giveitem MemberShipCard - A membership card for a very specal club.

giveitem MemoriesGlasses - Allow the wearer to see lingerings feelings and memories.

giveitem MilkBottle - A jug of milk for kids.

giveitem MilkGlass - A glass of milk, filled to the brim. Very refined.

giveitem MintIceCream - A mint-flavored ice cream. Slightly bitter, more refined taste.

giveitem MissingFormula1 - A lost page from a notbook, filled with formulas you don't understand. It might interest someone.

giveitem MissingFormula2 - A lost page from a notbook, filled with formulas you don't understand. It might interest someone.

giveitem MissingFormula3 - A lost page from a notbook, filled with formulas you don't understand. It might interest someone.

giveitem MissingFormula4 - A lost page from a notbook, filled with formulas you don't understand. It might interest someone.

giveitem MissingFormula5 - A lost page from a notbook, filled with formulas you don't understand. It might interest someone.

giveitem MoneyStack - A stack of 25 bills. Use it to add to add the money to your curent total.

giveitem MuttedPinkTShirt - A muted pink Tshirt.

giveitem NavyTShirt - A navy blue Tshirt.

giveitem Needle - A simple iron needle. It's surdy and made for sewing.

giveitem NuceTunic - A nurce tunic.

giveitem Ocarina - It's called an ocarina, It sounds like a flute, but sadly i can't play it.

giveitem OfficeID - A stolen Office ID card. Maybe you could blend in...

giveitem OffceTechRoomCard - An access card that grants access to the technical room in the office ward.

giveitem OldScrew - A big, large screw. Wasn't it holding something?

giveitem OldSpyglass - A very old and rusty spyglass, found at the bottome of the river.

giveitem OliveTShirt - An olive green TShirt.

giveitem Onesie - A cute onesie . For a big baby.

giveitem OrangeTShirt - A orange Tshirt.

giveitem Pacifier - An adult-sized pacifier. Just looking at it, you feel soothed.

giveitem PaleYellowSkirt - A pale yellow skirt. You feel free!

giveitem Pants - A pair of jean pants. Pretty used but still fashionable.

giveitem PinkHoodie - A comfy pink hoodie.

giveitem PinkPullUpsPack - A pack full of pullups. For childs who still wet the bed.

giveitem PinkShirt - a cute pink shirt.

giveitem PinkTankTop - A pink tank top.

giveitem PinkTshirt - A pink Tshirt.

giveitem PinkTshirtBaby - A pink Tshirt with a babyish print.

giveitem PlainSkirt - A white, plain skirt. You feel free!

giveitem Plushie - A very cute teddy bear.

giveitem PolkaDotPanties - Cute, polka dotted panties.

giveitem PortaleBabyRay - PLACEHOLDER. Who know's how much power it retains.

giveitem PowerGlover - a pair of gloves that allow you to push heavy creates.

giveitem PullUpsBoyDiaper - A blue skate training pants. Made for littles who can nearly go to the toilet. Can't handle a lot.

giveitem PullUpsGirlDiaper - A cute pink training pants. Made for littles who can nearly go to the toilet. Can't handle a lot.

giveitem PullUpsKiddiesDiaper - A cute training pants with unicorns and rainbows. Made for littles who can nearly go to the toilet. Can't handle a lot.

giveitem PullUpsLinesDiaper - A cute  stripped training pants. Made for littles who can nearly go to the toilet. Can't handle a lot.

giveitem PullUpsStarsDiaper - A cute training pants with stars. Made for littles who can nearly go to the toilet. Can't handle a lot.

giveitem Pumkin - A very big, round pumkin. will you realy eat it all by yourself?

giveitem Pumkininpiesslice - A slice of pumkin pie. Yum!

giveitem PumpsBlack - a pair of pumps.

giveitem QuillofImagination - coming from a peculir bird, this feather vibrate with unusal color and creative energy.

giveitem Rattle - An oversized baby rattle, fited fot an adult.

giveitem RattleRing - a rattle that can be wrist-worn. Use to gain the ability to push crates around.

giveitem RecommendationLetter - A nicely folded letter. Present it to the teacher to get recommended

giveitem RedShirt - A simple red shirt.

giveitem RedSkirt - A red skirt. You feel free!

giveitem RustyMedal - A very old and rusty medal. Kinda cool but creepy.

giveitem ScottishTShirt- A strip-pattern Tshirt.

giveitem Screwdriver - A simple screwdriver.

giveitem Servant Key - A ruty copper key. Open the door to the servant quarter in the mansion garden.

giveitem Shorties - A simple pair of shorties.

giveitem ShortiesBlue - A blue pair of shorties.

giveitem ShortiesPink - A pink pair of shorties.

giveitem Shovel - An old but sturdy shovel. No more moats resisting you!

giveitem SimpleDiaper - A plain white diaper. Sized for an adult.

giveitem SimplePullUpsDiaper - A medical training pants, for adults who suffer from some leakage.

giveitem SkatePullUpsPack - A pack full of blue, skate pullups. For teens who still wet the bed.

giveitem Sneakers - Gotta go fast!

giveitem SodaCup - A large cup of soda. You can feel the bubbles swarming.

giveitem SoiledBearPanties - Panties, soilded to the brim. Should be washed.

giveitem SoiledBearPantiesDot

giveitem SoiledBearPantiesHeart

giveitem SoiledDarkDenimPants - A very soiled pants.

giveitem SoiledDenimPants

giveitem SoiledDenimPantsBrown

giveitem SoiledDenimPantsViolet

giveitem SoiledHalfPantsGreen

giveitem SoiledHalfPantsPink

giveitem SoiledHalfPantsRed

giveitem SoiledHalfPantsViolet

giveitem SoiledHalfPantsYellow

giveitem ...

giveitem SquekyToy - A toy mouse that makes a high pitched sound. Probably could be used to distract someone.

giveitem StarsPullUpsPack  - A pack full of Star-printed pullups. For childs who still wet the bed.

giveitem StinkyBomb - A bottle of stinky mixture. Can be thrown.

giveitem StrangeDevice - A weird device. It's pulsing and emitting a strange ghost-like light.

giveitem StrangeVial - A vail filled with ectoplasmic residu from the big ghost.

giveitem Strawberrypieslice - A slice of fruit pie. Very sweet.

giveitem StrawIceCream - A strawberry-flavored ice cream. Yum!

giveitem StrippedPullUpsPack - A pack of stripped pullups. For childs who still wet the bed.

giveitem StrippedTShirt - A strip-patten Tshirt.

giveitem strongBeverage - A very strong alcoholic beverage. Only for adults.

giveitem Suitcase - An hard-locked suitcase. It's suprisingly light.

giveitem SunGlasses - Advert your eyes from light sources. And give you style.

giveitem TankTop - A plain, white tank top.

giveitem TaupeTShirt - A taupe Tshirt.

giveitem TennisBlue - A pair of tennis.

giveitem TheBigOne - The biggest toy hammer you'ed ever see. Squeek when you hit something. It's heavy enough to actually hurt a little bit.

giveitem ToolBox - A full, very heavy toolbox.

giveitem Top - A plain, white tank top.

giveitem ToyHammer - A big toy hammer. Squeek when you hit something. It's heavy enough to actually hurt a little bit.

giveitem TShirtLittleBlue - A blue T-Shirt, made for children.

giveitem TShirtLittleGreen - A green T-Shirt, made for children.

giveitem TShirtLittlePink - A pink T-Shirt, made for children.

giveitem TShirtLittleRed - A red T-Shirt, made for children.

giveitem UnbreakableShades - "Touch the untoucheable.

giveitem UnOpenedPackage - Must be delivered to Revenbrook's store.

giveitem UsedAdultDiaper - An used Adult Diaper. There's a lot of cute print on it.

giveitem UsedDiaper - An used Diaper, folded nicely to prevent smell.

giveitem UsedPullUps - An used pull-ups.

giveitem VanaillaIceCream - A vanilla-flavored ice cream. Yum!

giveitem Wallet - A wallet you found. There's some money inside... But maybe it would be more mature to hand it to it's owner.

giveitem WatterBottle - A large bottle of water.

giveitem WhitePanties - Some simple white panties. Nothing fancy.

giveitem WhiteTshirt - A white Tshirt. The basic one.

giveitem WoodAmulet - A pulsing green necklace that you found in the community center. You feel it pulse with natural energy.

giveitem YellowHoodie - A comfy yellow hoodie.

giveitem YellowTankTop - A yellow tank top.

giveitem YellowTshirt - A yellow Tshirt.

giveitem YellowTshirtFlowwer - A flower-patten Tshirt.

hey what do i do with the other two files

Hey, im having an issue with downloading the game, whenever it go to unzip it the file says its corrupted and wont allow me to unpackage it.

1) Install 7zip

2) Download the three files on itch

3) Right click on the 001 file, and choose "extract here" from the 7zip menu

4) Click the .exe and enjoy playing If you don't want to install 7zip, there's a mega link in the game description.

can i use winrar or is 7zip the only option aside from the mega link

(1 edit) (+1)

Winrar doesn't work well with this kind of split archive files. I advise against it.

no worries thanks for the help!

im playing through the ghost mission but i'm unable to get the push ability


If you're stuck, you can take a peek in the walkthrough here.

So, I'm having an issue with the Ryan memory sequence (not the part where you need to go find memories, but the part after that. The flashback part). I either can't figure out what I'm supposed to do, or I'm unable to talk to anyone if you're supposed to talk to someone during it. I can start it, but when it tells me to go home, nothing happens when I get there. Unless the art studio isn't where I'm supposed to go? I would appreciate any input that could be given. On a side note, I've been really enjoying the game! It has been a lot of fun!

Unfortunately, doing a hard reset doesn't fix this issue like it did the other one. I had also saved during it to reload the game, in case that would help, but it put me outside of the blocked off area, so I was stuck outside of where I'm supposed to go. But, I was able to fix that by just using the console to warp to spawn, and I was able to start the sequence again. Definitely a good call, making the sequence take place in a separate map, instead of just removing NPCs and adding barriers, because it makes it easy to get out of the sequence if something goes wrong.

After going to the art studio, try going out to the park. This should trigger an event.


Thanks for the response! It seems you were right. I suppose I was completely misunderstanding where I was supposed to go. A while after I had sent the comment, I had noticed that the area past the park wasn't blocked off. Things went smoothly after that! The quick response is definitely appreciated!

If there's clouds as part of your sky material, why would you also add clouds as a mesh object? That can lead to poor performance (which is ok on my PC, but older machines might struggle) and art clash, which is the biggest issue. Which version of Unity are you using? I can help build some terrains for you, with a water shader, and everything you need. I'll find some nice looking stylized trees and foliage, and a stylized water shader that will look good. Even better, I'll add a volumetric cloud system, or more. I am burnt out, so excuse my slow work.

(1 edit)

A 250 tri culled mesh is totally insignificant in term of performance even on the worst toaster. The art concern is more valid, but that's simply a case of updating the skybox later than the mesh. There's a lot of things like that in the game, due to simply working on it over a long period of time. I probably forgot a ton of other weird stuff that would need a revamp, but for now, it's time to move on. The game is mostly done,  and will get a few more updates, but I don't plan of redoing old stuff again and again.  

I'm noticing a bit of Z fighting on the playermodels. Have you tried removing the outline mesh, and using a shader outline instead?

I got stuck trying to find all 4 clues for the missing sister. I've searched the entire explorable area 6 times, reloaded my save, restarted the game, nothing works.

(3 edits) (+1)


Thanks. I'll use it well. As for possible quality of life ideas, maybe adding quest markers? They can be a simple yellow triangle that overrenders terrain, and buildings.

I may have actually broke the game by going to the other area too quickly.

So knocking out the guard, entering the bar, and immediately leaving caused me to get warped to the bar and after a bit stuck in an infinite spanking loop.

I am trying to complete the daycare club mission to recruit Ryan but i cant find all the memories for him or get in to the art studio what do i need to do? 

The last memory you seek is probably in the art studio. You need to find a lost statue in a backalley to open it up.


Thx your game is great btw thanks for all your hard work!

(2 edits)

I have two questions.... 1. How the heck do you get the diaper pack that's in the abandoned daycare in the town by the observatory? I can't figure it out.  and 2. Can we/how do we get the scene that last screenshot shows (the one with the Player on the table and Mary talking about sanitizing it)?


1) this is future content that is there just for teasing purpose as there's no legit way to get it. But you can grab it through clever usage of game mechanics that I won't describe there.

2) You have to talk to her in her flat while having an obvious accident (no diaper). She will do this only if you didn't already talked to her multiple time with an accident, otherwise it move into the punishment event.

(1 edit)

1.  Ah. Say no more then. 2. Where is that flat? I'm pretty sure I've been in every building in the city, and I've never seen a room with that couch from the screenshot. (Please don't say the randomized buildings. Cause I only find Gyms, Naoto (or however his name is spelled), workshops, and abandoned rooms).


In some places, you can find entrance to a randomly generated building. Mary's flat have a chance to spawn in one of theses.

(1 edit)

Out of curiosity, do you plan to update the Walkthrough (at some time) w/ the locations for the diaper packs?

If not, do you think you could put them here (in a comment, so others can find the ones that they do not have)?

I didn't plan for it, but it's possible. My main hurdle is that there's many hidden things in the game so I have to determine what should be in or not.

I would like to avoid as much as I can to deliver information like that in a comment. It's painful to search for and a lot of people would miss it.

do i have to install all 3 files? if yes then the second and third files can't be opened with winrar 

1) Install 7zip

2) Download the three files on itch

3) Right click on the 001 file, and choose "extract here" from the 7zip menu

4) Click the .exe and enjoy playing

If you don't want to install 7zip, there's a mega link in the game description.


I noticed server bugs so far in the release version:

- The default white shit glitches insides interiors

- The loading text bounces around when i enter a new area

- the music still jumps to max volume whenever i re load a save file or start the game

- this is a strange one: with the male character whenever i equip a skirt the game registers it if i had nothing on, plus the pink shirt glitches and looks weird too i think

(1 edit) (+1)

Love the Game Sparrow amazing work!

i cant seem to progress past the lab its not giving me the option to ask for the ghost ectoplasm to be investigate

Pls upload a tutorial video on how to instal, i cant with mega and the way its too confusing  ):

1) Install 7zip

2) Download the three files on itch

3) Right click on the 001 file, and choose "extract here" from the 7zip menu

4) Click the .exe and enjoy playing

oki :)

very nice game but the last boss is bugged at game and the big gun won't shoot at me at all :( is there a console command to fix that???

Try saving before taking the lift and quit completely the game and restart it. I'll look into it.

i did try that still not working i don't know whats going on the gun just moves left and right saying no to me and don't shoot XD and i just finish this boss easily 

If you previously did the pacifier sequence with the whole brainwashing, it's normal that the ray don't shoot at all as you "broke" it at  the end.


oh ok that makes sense so its working i tried it again without getting caught. <3 enjoyed it very much 

Your walkthrough link give me an Error 502 after a long attempt to load the page.

I tried with Firefox and Brave.

Probably a server issue on the host provider.

how to do the desperate girl questline after I helped her?

(1 edit)

i think i might need the smaller version of the game because although the bigger one runs it also strains my laptop alot since its older. could you tell me your email so you can send it to me?

edit: nevermind i found your email in another post

are unlockable diapers hard to find or they're rare?

Found another bug, this time related to a certain doctor and their missing stuff. If you have more than one(1) of any of the formulas the quest is unable to be progressed.

Found an interesting and weird bug, saving at the start of the boss fight everything works fine and normal but saving AFTER causes the fight to become unwinnable upon loading that save.

You don't even need to save at the start.  I saved right after grabbing the access key, and the fight became unwinnable (I swear I hit it at least 50 times). Deciding to see if letting it hit me so I'd lose, I went through all that and returned to the room, and it doesn't matter how many times I hit it, I still can't win.

That doesn't sound normal indeed, but I would need to take a look at your save to see if there's any issue. You can mail it to me if you'd like to.

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