You have to go from the other side. If you found the item, there's a switch nearby that open a door in the mansion garden that allow to meet with the hat ghost.
about the "You have to go from the other side. If you found the item, there's a switch nearby that open a door in the mansion garden that allow to meet with the hat ghost." I can't seem to find it. Any like indications? or images
i already in the diaper club and got the glasses ... so what next? i only have the achvement ( unexpectedly ) about recruiting her and i didn't do her memory game but i haven't seen her in the club?
I'll check the achievement, because if you didn't do her game and if she isn't in the club, it's probably a visual bug. If you speak to her while wearing a diaper, you should get an option to get further than the rumor and engage a conversation with her about the club.
It's the area which you can access through two littles backstreets from the main city. You'll take a path up and arrive at a new part of the city. You can find one of theses path near the bus.
I unzipped the file, but when I tired putting into a new unity project It wouldn't work, I even redownloaded it and tried again and it didn't work. So i'm not sure how to play.
you don't have to open it in the engine (the unity project). This is not the decompiled project, it's the compiled game. You just have to use the executable (.exe file) to launch the game.
won't let me unzip if it runs on unity than surely it should be able to run on Chrome I've never had this issue where I couldn't unzip and play a game that runs on unity before... if I'm doing something wrong than instructions would be appreciated...
yep it says code execution cannot proceed because unityplayer.dil was not found so it's not working. In short the game is completely unplayable for me because if I try to play it through 7zip my computer won't even recognize unityplayer... Sorry I'd love to give my support to this project but there are either too many hoops to shoot through just to start the game or it's just not playable for some peoples computers. Neither are things that I personally am looking for in a game.
I have an issue, I can't seem to find the right grave for the Haunted House Key; all of them just show a ghost and do not give me a key (also completely regressed by this point so if this is somehow a blocker that's probably why), did manage to find the Lamp, but it doesn't SEEM to make a difference.
The right grave is at the far back, the closest to the back of the graveyard. I guess it's easy to activate the nearby one by mistake, I'll try to put it farther.
tbpf i think downloading the hotfix for the latest version fixed it, as I had already tried that grave prior to the hotfix and it didn't work. So Probably asked and answered at this point.
I like the new UI, and also noticed the potties in the hospital, can't wait for the feature to use them!
However there is a major issue with the saving system. After a certain point it buggs out and i can't save because it get's stucked on the screen. And if i quit the game and want to load my save it buggs out the menu and can't load it because it get corrupted basically.
Because of this i'm stuck on the hospital escape part, it's frustrating all on it's own because i get detected easily and can't run but the walking npcs can fast walk, and bump into each other where their script gets stuck in a loop.
This is quite strange. Did you use an old save from a previous public version?
If you feel really frustrated, you can use the cheat command skip_leveltwo to skip the whole hospital.
If you'd like me to go deeper, you can mail me your save and your player log (if you don't know where they are, just mail me and I'll give you the path) so I can analyze it as from your description alone it will be hard to debug.
here : C:\Users\YourWindowsSessionName\AppData\LocalLow\RedSparrow\The Pacifier Project\
You can mail the files to my mail adress. Don't hesitate to put as much detail as you can to help me reproduce the bug (what are the exact steps you're doing to trigger the bug, etc...)
Okay, so i can't really send them atm because i started a new save and it hasn't appeared (yet), but if it reapperas i'll be sure to send them over to you.
Anyway here are some bugs that i found recently:
sometimes the e button for interacting stays and in many cases the interactions plays when pressing e even if im not there where it takes place
best friend achievement bugged (or i think it is, it's not consistent when do i exactly get them)
the continue button not always works on dialogues or actions while pressing enter
the hunger bar goes down too fast i think
the place is buggy where the is the bakingsoda, the ground disappears and so on.
maturity sometimes goes down when using the toilet
still hearing the city ambience in player house after finishing tutorial
and one more thing, after i press the red button to distract the guard only one leaves and another stays there with his back, and i can't past him because i get detected
Btw, where can i find the sneakers? (and do they work in the hosptial?)
Thanks for all theses reports. I'll look into theses. Some are already found and resolved on my side.
You can try pushing the button more than once. Maybe the other one was closer at that time. You can also find an item to stun or distract them through the diaper club quest.
The sneakers are a very early item that you can get by bringing a bag to a runner girl near the spawn point. But yo ucan't run inside. However, yo ucan get a speed boost equivalent to a sprint if your stomach is full.
Yes, there's a few. The most straightforward way to do it is to find a weapon to hit or throw to the guard to stun her. Check for the rattle in the diaper club or the toy hammer in the arcade.
Hey, RedSparrow, I'm completely stuck on the teacher's quest, despite me (correctly) completing it, it just prompts me to do it again, no matter how many times or what I try.
Also of note, the shop UI refuses to close, no matter what I try, and I read that this triggers the event.
One last thing, how do you get in the bar? I don't see any way to continue the quest, and when I did get inside (by literally pressing e, without even talking to the guard), none of the NPCs do anything of note.
At which point of the teacher's quest are you stuck? Buying the diaper pack I guess?
You're not the only one reporting me that you can't close the shop UI but for now I didn't reproduce the issue. Can you tell me if you're playing in full screen and in which resolution?
For the bar, if you're low maturity, an event should trigger right as you enter. I'll try to reproduce it to see why it didn't trigger. Same thing ,the guard should have stopped you beforehand.
Edit: Nevermind, I found the source of the bug. I guess you used the "return to title" menu button at some point during your play and I discovered It affected some backend functions. Won't dive into it much more, I'll quickly fix it. To prevent the bug to occuring until I fix it, avoid using the "return to menu" button.
Yea, no event triggered for the bar, the only time I can get an event to trigger is if the maturity is at the level of an adult, in which case, all you get is a broken scene (with a completely broken camera once they try and punish you).
My resolution is also 1920x1080, and I'm playing in FS.
No,I didn't release any major bugfixes for now. Before that I have to have a good picture of how many bugs get found and which ones overlap. I might do it in the next few days though.
Does any one know where I can recruit new members for the Diaper Club? I have the Public beta build but I am unsure of how to find and do the other content in the game.
Edit: Does anyone know how to use the Memories Glasses and the diaper glasses?
Another Edit: I am getting frustrated within the Office at the Hosptial IDK who to talk to and who to avoid, I know the guards but the office workers aren't as obvious to me.
will the free version also be updated at some point? so many patreon only updates, and the download link for the free version is still at december 2022.
would have thought the free version would be updated so far that it is 2-3 updates behind the patreon version
my point is simply that there are still a lot of glitches and bugs in the free version that have obviously been fixed in later updates.
i am well aware that at some point you will have to pay for the full version. and i hope that at some point you will find it on a site where you don't have to pay by credit card or sign up for a monthly subscription.
I would like to pay for it, but I have a legal guardian who divides up my money, so I don't have access to my account, and I can't use patreon or other services that don't offer a prepaid version, such as with paysafecard voucher codes.
To be clear, the full version will be free. I'm aware that it can be a long time in between public release, but my goal was and still is to release public version at big millestones (0.1,0.2,0.3 ....)
Game dev is a very time consuming hobby and I'm doing my best to release it as fast as I could while maintaining quality. I know this can be frustrating while you're waiting but I hope you can understand.
Hey uh, quick question but for those of us who bought the game can we be like an update or three behind the Patreon releases? Just so we have some fixes and content? I don't mean any offense by asking this.
How can I find ways to get out the hospital, if I need a card to access the lift, where can I find it? By the way, how can I find those skills? sorry to bother you,but I have no idea to do this. Thank you
- after getting caught, get through the pediatric ward and the others rooms until you reach the cafeteria.
- Once you get to the bridge area, seek a corridor guarded by a stationnary guards. There's a few way to distract him, the pmost obvious one being pushing a button in the adjascent room.
- Once you pass the guard, up the stair you can open a door in the small room that will lead you to the upper level of the big control room. Acctivate the terminal to open up the office.
- Go back to the bridge area, go through it to access the office
- In the office, you'll find in a small room a tech access ccard that will open up a door that will lead to the vents.
- The vents allow you to access yet another upper pathway in the big control room and open the door to the orthopedic ward
- In the orthopedic ward, follow the way and you'll get the croutch skill, that will allow you once you got back to the vent area to slip through a pipe and escape
I left over a lot of optionnal stuff to do, but here's the critical path. Hope that'll help you !
Hey, i am curently in the Hospital Escape Mission and i just cant figute it out, i have multiple Office Cards but still cant open any doors, what should i do? Besides that is there a croutch Button of some sort to be able to fit in the secret ways? Thanks
If you have the tech office card, you can open the door leading to the vent area, that will allow you to sneak into the upper platform of the big control room. Here, you can open the door of the orthopedic ward, where you can then find the skill that will allow you to croutch.
Hey, RedSparrow! I shot you an Email on some questions, I had and I also wanna post on here, Where can I find the clothing store owner's scissors? And other stuff I asked in the Email, Thanks!
Hey, you can find the scissors in the haunted house. It's a pretty hidden item that will get available once you finish either the child side or the adult side of the mansion. You might need to pull some levers to open hidden doors and backtrack a bit.
it's been about 4 months since your last major update so how far along would you say you are to the next major update (not trying to rush you however I am curious)
- Is there a VFX over the NPC that is able to be recruited when you are wearing the glasses and could you give me a hint for the general area of where to look?
- As of right now what is the last mission in the Patreon version of the game is it right after you escape the hospital lab?
Okay cool I've finished the main missions in the game so far and I have to say I think you have a pretty good story.
- In the spare room in your house after you have gotten all 3 girls should you be able to check all of their diapers/change them or no because I am only able to check/change the first one.
- Also is there any way to remove specific saves or delete all of the saves?
For now you can only change one. I still need to do the two others.
You can find your saves in yourwinwdowsusername\AppData\LocalLow\RedSparrow\The Pacifier Project and delete the files here. But you can also just overwrite it with another save.
I am completely lost how do I get out of the hospital I found the id card but now I don't know what to do. Can anyone give me some hints?
- How do you know if someone is a candidate for the diaper club if you have the glasses?
- There is also a glitch where if you sprint into a push able box you will be stuck in the push animation until you stop moving and then start walking again.
Once you got to the office, you have to find a technical room card that will open up the ventilation area. This card can be found in a lone office room.
You can find potential ABDL members with the diaper glasses. This will highlight potential members with a diaper up their heads. Otherwise, pay attention to some dialogs lines.
Thanks for your attention, I know this animation is a bit janky. i'll fix it when I'll have time.
Thank you very much but I have talked to everyone while wearing a diaper and while not wearing a diaper with the glasses and nothing is happening is it possible that I missed a flag or do I have to do something specific?
- There is another bug that if you are in the hospital lab area when you open the door to the office, and then save when you load that save the door becomes locked again and you have to go through the whole process again.
- As of right now what is the last mission in the Patreon version of the game is it right after you escape the hospital lab?
- Also it is seriously impressive that you are able to do all of this by yourself your insanely talented I know the struggles of making a game as I'm also solo game developer and I'm working on my game right now but I can't design environments for the life of me so mad props to you!
To recruit a member, you need to be a diaper club member, then talk to naoto to accept bringing in new members. Maybe you missied that flag. For now, there is only one NPC that you can recruit, but it will be my focus to increase that number.
Indeed, it can be hard to catch every little doors on the save system. i'll look into that.
Thanks for your kind words! this mean a lot to me. If you want to talk about game design, don't hesitate to mail me so we can chat about it.
For the hospital lab mission are you supposed to get caught and for the new update that was just released today on Patreon?
- I love the UI overhaul but I can't open my journal in the game anymore.
- Also, there is a little bug in the house where if you are facing the stairs at least in the Patreon version of the game the wall on the right side has no collision and you can fall straight through the world.
I completely forgot how to start the diaper club quests can you give me a hint?
- Finally, I don't know if I am doing something wrong or you have it set to not work in certain places but my sprinting keeps breaking even if I don't need food so it won't let me sprint.
- For the hospital : No, there is some way to avoid being caught. There's a whoole "secret" passage that you can use to not be caught even at the start.
- I'm on the diary bug. Indeed the button is messed up. I'm fixing it right now.
- Nice catch, I'll adapt the collider.
- The diaper club quest start with the girl roaming outside the school building. You need to talk to her with a low maturity and a diaper equiped.
- There's a few case where you can't run even if your stomach is full : when you've pooped yourself or if you're in some interior place where you're not supposed to be running.
After the haunted mansion in the Patreon version of the game are you supposed to go back to your house and find Jason or go to the school and talk to the people at the science club if it is the latter how do you collect the baking soda once you find it, it won't let me grab it, it keeps saying I should leave it there and if it isn't the latter can you give me a hint as to where I find the key?
In the public release of the game, you're supposed to go talk to jason before going for the baking soda. This was unintented because you're supposed to be able to do anything in the game without him. So, yeah, this is corrected in the latest build but in the public version you'll have to talk to him for now.
You need to have completed the mansion and talked to jason about what to do next. To do that you have to open the backroom in your house. The key is in your backyard, behind a pushable crate so you need to find the push skill in the haunted house. That skill can be found in both way, left or right depend of your maturity level.
I'm not sure how to continue the club quest. Once I do the three accident spots, the teacher tells me to go to the market but it doesn't let me accept nor anything I do while trying to buy the diaper pack works
I'm sorry, I realized later on that this step wasn't very clear and changed the dialog since then. The goal here is to go to the supermarket and buy a pair of diaper with a wet accident in full display. It mean :
- No diaper
- Panties + pants
- A wet accident
Being in a leaking diaper should also work ,as long as you have pants on.
I'm thinking that maybe the issue is the store window breaks for me for some reason? I can buy stuff but it won't let me close the store afterwards. Not sure why that happens or how to fix it
I got to the stage in the tutorial level where it left me hanging: I found all four clues, but then the goals just kinda trailed off, any advice? Love the project btw.
If you found the 4 clues you just have to go back to the crying girl. Then,after talking to her one more time, you'll have to find her sister in one of the adjacent street.
How do i get the push ability? I've searched the whole haunted house and didnt find it. I cant enter the hat ghost because i Dont know what does it want. AND neither the one below him who says im not mature
The hat ghost wing (to your left when you enter) is for the players wanting to stay on the mature side. You need to have enough maturity to try this part of the mansion. But the push ability can also be found in the other wing. Once you did find the lil' ghost three time, you need to backtrack a little bit and look for some lever and stuff that can be interacted with. This will open secrets passages.
Once at to the hospital and after getting zonked out at the decontamination, my character won't move and nothing happens other than her standing in a room staring at a guy.
Was able to fix it by starting entirely fresh and just level skipping to get there after deleting all of the saves. I have no idea what caused the issue.
If you talk to the arcade shop guy in the supermarket you can start a side quest to open it that involve the screwdriver. Be wary though,it's not finished yet.
Hey, I just created this account to say that I really think this project has a great future!! Good job and please keep going!!! I'm a 3d artist (not professional) myself and I'm here if you want help with it :))
Hey, thanks for your support. You can contact me at if you want to talk about help and collaboration. I'm looking for both 2d and 3d artists.
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How to open the door for the hat ghost in the first floor? Since i got the item
You have to go from the other side. If you found the item, there's a switch nearby that open a door in the mansion garden that allow to meet with the hat ghost.
about the screwdriver part, why i can't give to the worker yet?
You first have to talk about the fuse to the arcade guy.
about the "You have to go from the other side. If you found the item, there's a switch nearby that open a door in the mansion garden that allow to meet with the hat ghost." I can't seem to find it. Any like indications? or images
i got the girl at the arcade ... how to recruit her? she just say that there's a rumour
You need to be a diaper club member and have the memory glasses.
i already in the diaper club and got the glasses ... so what next? i only have the achvement ( unexpectedly ) about recruiting her and i didn't do her memory game but i haven't seen her in the club?
I'll check the achievement, because if you didn't do her game and if she isn't in the club, it's probably a visual bug.
If you speak to her while wearing a diaper, you should get an option to get further than the rumor and engage a conversation with her about the club.
ok, now trying to fins memory shard but i need to save first. also where's another one to recruit?
I got the push item, i tried to push the crates from the park, why i can't?? it's like no avail .. and i can't equip it
Did you use it? You need to use it to gain the push skill.
Ok, my bad, still struggling to how to get to the hat ghost on the 1st floor, just gave up and do to hide and seek
Is it somehow possible to play this game on Android?
No, it's windows only. Android would require a very specific optimization, without even talking about touchscreen control.
Ngl,this game is good,But I still have wonders,which are where is the upper city plaza
It's the area which you can access through two littles backstreets from the main city. You'll take a path up and arrive at a new part of the city. You can find one of theses path near the bus.
please put on stam so i can pay for full version
The game will never be on steam, for a number of reasons, the first and most important one being that steam really don't like fetish oriented game.
The full version will eventually be available here for free when the development will be over, so you'll be able to have it.
Enjoying the game so far.
If you take suggestions:
1)Have a rattle(when shaken) turn an NPC into mentally regressed babies.
2)Gun from the lab same thing or physical regression of NPC.
Neat ideas, I'm putting it in my backlog and I'll see if this is doable.
gun with physical regression
I unzipped the file, but when I tired putting into a new unity project It wouldn't work, I even redownloaded it and tried again and it didn't work. So i'm not sure how to play.
you don't have to open it in the engine (the unity project). This is not the decompiled project, it's the compiled game. You just have to use the executable (.exe file) to launch the game.
won't let me unzip if it runs on unity than surely it should be able to run on Chrome I've never had this issue where I couldn't unzip and play a game that runs on unity before... if I'm doing something wrong than instructions would be appreciated...
Did you use 7zip? I think the basic windows unzipper won't work on 7z. I mainly use this because it's more efficient at compressing files that .zip.
I installed 7-zip but can't find any other application but 7z
yep it says code execution cannot proceed because unityplayer.dil was not found so it's not working. In short the game is completely unplayable for me because if I try to play it through 7zip my computer won't even recognize unityplayer... Sorry I'd love to give my support to this project but there are either too many hoops to shoot through just to start the game or it's just not playable for some peoples computers. Neither are things that I personally am looking for in a game.
Try running it as administrator. The file is here, either it didn't get extracted properly, or the system won't let you read it.
Edit : you don't play it through 7zip. You have to extract it.
I have an issue, I can't seem to find the right grave for the Haunted House Key; all of them just show a ghost and do not give me a key (also completely regressed by this point so if this is somehow a blocker that's probably why), did manage to find the Lamp, but it doesn't SEEM to make a difference.
The right grave is at the far back, the closest to the back of the graveyard. I guess it's easy to activate the nearby one by mistake, I'll try to put it farther.
tbpf i think downloading the hotfix for the latest version fixed it, as I had already tried that grave prior to the hotfix and it didn't work. So Probably asked and answered at this point.
I like the new UI, and also noticed the potties in the hospital, can't wait for the feature to use them!
However there is a major issue with the saving system. After a certain point it buggs out and i can't save because it get's stucked on the screen. And if i quit the game and want to load my save it buggs out the menu and can't load it because it get corrupted basically.
Because of this i'm stuck on the hospital escape part, it's frustrating all on it's own because i get detected easily and can't run but the walking npcs can fast walk, and bump into each other where their script gets stuck in a loop.
This is quite strange. Did you use an old save from a previous public version?
If you feel really frustrated, you can use the cheat command skip_leveltwo to skip the whole hospital.
If you'd like me to go deeper, you can mail me your save and your player log (if you don't know where they are, just mail me and I'll give you the path) so I can analyze it as from your description alone it will be hard to debug.
I used an old save file first, then started a new game and it did the same thing.
Where does the game stores the save files?
here : C:\Users\YourWindowsSessionName\AppData\LocalLow\RedSparrow\The Pacifier Project\
You can mail the files to my mail adress. Don't hesitate to put as much detail as you can to help me reproduce the bug (what are the exact steps you're doing to trigger the bug, etc...)
Okay, so i can't really send them atm because i started a new save and it hasn't appeared (yet), but if it reapperas i'll be sure to send them over to you.
Anyway here are some bugs that i found recently:
sometimes the e button for interacting stays and in many cases the interactions plays when pressing e even if im not there where it takes place
best friend achievement bugged (or i think it is, it's not consistent when do i exactly get them)
the continue button not always works on dialogues or actions while pressing enter
the hunger bar goes down too fast i think
the place is buggy where the is the bakingsoda, the ground disappears and so on.
maturity sometimes goes down when using the toilet
still hearing the city ambience in player house after finishing tutorial
and one more thing, after i press the red button to distract the guard only one leaves and another stays there with his back, and i can't past him because i get detected
Btw, where can i find the sneakers? (and do they work in the hosptial?)
Thanks for all theses reports. I'll look into theses. Some are already found and resolved on my side.
You can try pushing the button more than once. Maybe the other one was closer at that time. You can also find an item to stun or distract them through the diaper club quest.
The sneakers are a very early item that you can get by bringing a bag to a runner girl near the spawn point. But yo ucan't run inside. However, yo ucan get a speed boost equivalent to a sprint if your stomach is full.
is there a way to get into the bar with low maturity?
Yes, there's a few. The most straightforward way to do it is to find a weapon to hit or throw to the guard to stun her. Check for the rattle in the diaper club or the toy hammer in the arcade.
Hey, RedSparrow, I'm completely stuck on the teacher's quest, despite me (correctly) completing it, it just prompts me to do it again, no matter how many times or what I try.
Also of note, the shop UI refuses to close, no matter what I try, and I read that this triggers the event.
One last thing, how do you get in the bar? I don't see any way to continue the quest, and when I did get inside (by literally pressing e, without even talking to the guard), none of the NPCs do anything of note.
At which point of the teacher's quest are you stuck? Buying the diaper pack I guess?
You're not the only one reporting me that you can't close the shop UI but for now I didn't reproduce the issue. Can you tell me if you're playing in full screen and in which resolution?
For the bar, if you're low maturity, an event should trigger right as you enter. I'll try to reproduce it to see why it didn't trigger. Same thing ,the guard should have stopped you beforehand.
Edit: Nevermind, I found the source of the bug. I guess you used the "return to title" menu button at some point during your play and I discovered It affected some backend functions. Won't dive into it much more, I'll quickly fix it. To prevent the bug to occuring until I fix it, avoid using the "return to menu" button.
Yea, no event triggered for the bar, the only time I can get an event to trigger is if the maturity is at the level of an adult, in which case, all you get is a broken scene (with a completely broken camera once they try and punish you).
My resolution is also 1920x1080, and I'm playing in FS.
Upd: Teacher event being broken is caused by FS.
For the broken camera, it's because you likely used a skip button once. There's a specific debug command for this : camerasavefix
This will fix any issues you could have with events and camera seemingly broken.
As I mentionned in my edited post, I'm working on a fix but it seem a lot of issues are caused by the back to title button.
How do I use the toilets? I stand in front of one and press E, but instead of going to the bathroom, my Maturity decreases.
It mean you don't need to go enough to warrant using the toilet. It's a feature made to promote right "timed" use of the loo.
My character is holding his crotch, farting and won't let me run, I taught those were the signs to use the toilet?
Uh,indeed. And using the toilet don't relieve this?
Nope, I press E, there's a little sound and my maturity decreases, without reliveing bowels.
I'll look into it. Thanks for the report.
When I'm playing I found that I can't push the crates so I create a new game but still can't
Did you found the push skill item in the haunted house?
You release a bugfix?
IDK if Red did so, But.... I am hoping to learn more about his plans
No,I didn't release any major bugfixes for now. Before that I have to have a good picture of how many bugs get found and which ones overlap. I might do it in the next few days though.
I'm sorry I can't give you the bug report for my 4th save of where the Store menu bugged out.
The cheat menu doesn't open and the game crashed at the part where i was at the cafe talking to my school friend.
You have to toggle the option for the cheat in the settings. What do you mean crashed? Did the game suddenly stopped?
Does any one know where I can recruit new members for the Diaper Club? I have the Public beta build but I am unsure of how to find and do the other content in the game.
Edit: Does anyone know how to use the Memories Glasses and the diaper glasses?
Another Edit: I am getting frustrated within the Office at the Hosptial IDK who to talk to and who to avoid, I know the guards but the office workers aren't as obvious to me.
Where is the bar? Is it in the open in the city or do you need to do some quests before you can get to it?
The bar isn't in the public build yet.
It will release in a couple week.
Oh sorry I forgot to mention I have the patreon build.
how do you get past the shelf after using the card reader?
Did you complete the whole diaper club questline,involving the teacher's trials and giving you the member card?
In the public build, that's it currently. The shelf will open but only in the next public update that should come up in the next month.
Will there ever be any other fetishes included in the game such as spankings or such?
There will be some punishments explored in the future side quest dedicated to caregivers. I don't specifically have a list of fetishes though.
will the free version also be updated at some point? so many patreon only updates, and the download link for the free version is still at december 2022.
would have thought the free version would be updated so far that it is 2-3 updates behind the patreon version
my point is simply that there are still a lot of glitches and bugs in the free version that have obviously been fixed in later updates.
i am well aware that at some point you will have to pay for the full version. and i hope that at some point you will find it on a site where you don't have to pay by credit card or sign up for a monthly subscription.
I would like to pay for it, but I have a legal guardian who divides up my money, so I don't have access to my account, and I can't use patreon or other services that don't offer a prepaid version, such as with paysafecard voucher codes.
Next update should be released by late-June or early July according to what RedSparrow said.
To be clear, the full version will be free. I'm aware that it can be a long time in between public release, but my goal was and still is to release public version at big millestones (0.1,0.2,0.3 ....)
Game dev is a very time consuming hobby and I'm doing my best to release it as fast as I could while maintaining quality. I know this can be frustrating while you're waiting but I hope you can understand.
no problem. i understand this and how much work is doing to bring a awesome game.
be not so fast, take your time, the more time you put into the development, the more perfect it will be.
Hey, could you add cheats for the game at some point? Like for setting your Maturity and whatnot?
Hey! This already added in the patreons builds. It will come to the public version very soon.
You can have a peek here in this post :
Oh goodie, never mind then.
But how, how soon is "very soon" is it sometime next month, this month, what?
Can't give a definitive answer but probably late june- early july.
Okay then.
Hey uh, quick question but for those of us who bought the game can we be like an update or three behind the Patreon releases? Just so we have some fixes and content? I don't mean any offense by asking this.
Send me a mail with the mail adress you paid on. Itch doesn't make it easy to track and "reward" donator.
How can I find ways to get out the hospital, if I need a card to access the lift, where can I find it? By the way, how can I find those skills? sorry to bother you,but I have no idea to do this. Thank you
Here's a short walkthrough of the hospital:
- after getting caught, get through the pediatric ward and the others rooms until you reach the cafeteria.
- Once you get to the bridge area, seek a corridor guarded by a stationnary guards. There's a few way to distract him, the pmost obvious one being pushing a button in the adjascent room.
- Once you pass the guard, up the stair you can open a door in the small room that will lead you to the upper level of the big control room. Acctivate the terminal to open up the office.
- Go back to the bridge area, go through it to access the office
- In the office, you'll find in a small room a tech access ccard that will open up a door that will lead to the vents.
- The vents allow you to access yet another upper pathway in the big control room and open the door to the orthopedic ward
- In the orthopedic ward, follow the way and you'll get the croutch skill, that will allow you once you got back to the vent area to slip through a pipe and escape
I left over a lot of optionnal stuff to do, but here's the critical path. Hope that'll help you !
what is the name of that item to get the crouth skill. I left the hospital without that skill. And what is the next step for this game?
Strange that you skipped it. The item is called Kneepad and you have to use it to gain the skill ability.
The public version end just after the hospital, stay tuned for the next major release for the follow up.
Hey, i am curently in the Hospital Escape Mission and i just cant figute it out, i have multiple Office Cards but still cant open any doors, what should i do? Besides that is there a croutch Button of some sort to be able to fit in the secret ways? Thanks
If you have the tech office card, you can open the door leading to the vent area, that will allow you to sneak into the upper platform of the big control room. Here, you can open the door of the orthopedic ward, where you can then find the skill that will allow you to croutch.
Hey, RedSparrow! I shot you an Email on some questions, I had and I also wanna post on here, Where can I find the clothing store owner's scissors? And other stuff I asked in the Email, Thanks!
Hey, you can find the scissors in the haunted house. It's a pretty hidden item that will get available once you finish either the child side or the adult side of the mansion. You might need to pull some levers to open hidden doors and backtrack a bit.
I am trying to do as you instructed me, But.... I can't get to the levers because I can't push the crates around
Edit: Nevermind, I figured it out, The Clothing Store guy won't accept the scissors or the needle.
Another Edit: I did as you suggested in the Email, Now where can I find Naoto? I can't find the lass.
Okay nevermind I figured it out now to find the clubroom
it's been about 4 months since your last major update so how far along would you say you are to the next major update (not trying to rush you however I am curious)
Not so far away from the update. The last minor release was the last one before the major one. I think a couple month is a good estimate.
I would love to chat with you what's your mail?
- Is there a VFX over the NPC that is able to be recruited when you are wearing the glasses and could you give me a hint for the general area of where to look?
- As of right now what is the last mission in the Patreon version of the game is it right after you escape the hospital lab?
You can find my mail in the game's description :
- Check the supermarket, it's one of the girl.
- You can continue shortly after and do a small mission in the library.
Okay cool I've finished the main missions in the game so far and I have to say I think you have a pretty good story.
- In the spare room in your house after you have gotten all 3 girls should you be able to check all of their diapers/change them or no because I am only able to check/change the first one.
- Also is there any way to remove specific saves or delete all of the saves?
For now you can only change one. I still need to do the two others.
You can find your saves in yourwinwdowsusername\AppData\LocalLow\RedSparrow\The Pacifier Project and delete the files here. But you can also just overwrite it with another save.
Yeah, I know where it is, do you have the push ability?
I am completely lost how do I get out of the hospital I found the id card but now I don't know what to do. Can anyone give me some hints?
- How do you know if someone is a candidate for the diaper club if you have the glasses?
- There is also a glitch where if you sprint into a push able box you will be stuck in the push animation until you stop moving and then start walking again.
Once you got to the office, you have to find a technical room card that will open up the ventilation area. This card can be found in a lone office room.
You can find potential ABDL members with the diaper glasses. This will highlight potential members with a diaper up their heads. Otherwise, pay attention to some dialogs lines.
Thanks for your attention, I know this animation is a bit janky. i'll fix it when I'll have time.
Thank you very much but I have talked to everyone while wearing a diaper and while not wearing a diaper with the glasses and nothing is happening is it possible that I missed a flag or do I have to do something specific?
- There is another bug that if you are in the hospital lab area when you open the door to the office, and then save when you load that save the door becomes locked again and you have to go through the whole process again.
- As of right now what is the last mission in the Patreon version of the game is it right after you escape the hospital lab?
- Also it is seriously impressive that you are able to do all of this by yourself your insanely talented I know the struggles of making a game as I'm also solo game developer and I'm working on my game right now but I can't design environments for the life of me so mad props to you!
To recruit a member, you need to be a diaper club member, then talk to naoto to accept bringing in new members. Maybe you missied that flag. For now, there is only one NPC that you can recruit, but it will be my focus to increase that number.
Indeed, it can be hard to catch every little doors on the save system. i'll look into that.
Thanks for your kind words! this mean a lot to me. If you want to talk about game design, don't hesitate to mail me so we can chat about it.
For the hospital lab mission are you supposed to get caught and for the new update that was just released today on Patreon?
- I love the UI overhaul but I can't open my journal in the game anymore.
- Also, there is a little bug in the house where if you are facing the stairs at least in the Patreon version of the game the wall on the right side has no collision and you can fall straight through the world.
I completely forgot how to start the diaper club quests can you give me a hint?
- Finally, I don't know if I am doing something wrong or you have it set to not work in certain places but my sprinting keeps breaking even if I don't need food so it won't let me sprint.
- For the hospital : No, there is some way to avoid being caught. There's a whoole "secret" passage that you can use to not be caught even at the start.
- I'm on the diary bug. Indeed the button is messed up. I'm fixing it right now.
- Nice catch, I'll adapt the collider.
- The diaper club quest start with the girl roaming outside the school building. You need to talk to her with a low maturity and a diaper equiped.
- There's a few case where you can't run even if your stomach is full : when you've pooped yourself or if you're in some interior place where you're not supposed to be running.
Hope this will help!
After the haunted mansion in the Patreon version of the game are you supposed to go back to your house and find Jason or go to the school and talk to the people at the science club if it is the latter how do you collect the baking soda once you find it, it won't let me grab it, it keeps saying I should leave it there and if it isn't the latter can you give me a hint as to where I find the key?
Also, I am loving the game.
In the public release of the game, you're supposed to go talk to jason before going for the baking soda. This was unintented because you're supposed to be able to do anything in the game without him. So, yeah, this is corrected in the latest build but in the public version you'll have to talk to him for now.
But how do I get the baking soda in my inventory?
You need to have completed the mansion and talked to jason about what to do next. To do that you have to open the backroom in your house. The key is in your backyard, behind a pushable crate so you need to find the push skill in the haunted house.
That skill can be found in both way, left or right depend of your maturity level.
Oh okay, that makes sense now thank you.
What I have to do once I oponed we opend the backroom in my house?
I'm not sure how to continue the club quest. Once I do the three accident spots, the teacher tells me to go to the market but it doesn't let me accept nor anything I do while trying to buy the diaper pack works
I'm sorry, I realized later on that this step wasn't very clear and changed the dialog since then. The goal here is to go to the supermarket and buy a pair of diaper with a wet accident in full display. It mean :
- No diaper
- Panties + pants
- A wet accident
Being in a leaking diaper should also work ,as long as you have pants on.
I'm thinking that maybe the issue is the store window breaks for me for some reason? I can buy stuff but it won't let me close the store afterwards. Not sure why that happens or how to fix it
Edit: somehow it fixed itself lol
Yes indeed you need to close the shop windows to be able to trigger it. Glad that you fixed it !
The UI got a complete overhaul in the latest release so this should fix this kind of issue.
I got to the stage in the tutorial level where it left me hanging: I found all four clues, but then the goals just kinda trailed off, any advice? Love the project btw.
If you found the 4 clues you just have to go back to the crying girl. Then,after talking to her one more time, you'll have to find her sister in one of the adjacent street.
Were do you find the sister my quest just says "I then looked in less crowded back alleys."
In front on the coffee shop right near a blue building there's a small street. The sister should be here.
How do i get the push ability? I've searched the whole haunted house and didnt find it. I cant enter the hat ghost because i Dont know what does it want. AND neither the one below him who says im not mature
The hat ghost wing (to your left when you enter) is for the players wanting to stay on the mature side. You need to have enough maturity to try this part of the mansion. But the push ability can also be found in the other wing. Once you did find the lil' ghost three time, you need to backtrack a little bit and look for some lever and stuff that can be interacted with. This will open secrets passages.
thx i've found those and opened the door, where do i have to go after meeting jason again?
You should check the starting zone right at the uni entrance, there's some crates you can now push that will unlock a new area.
Once at to the hospital and after getting zonked out at the decontamination, my character won't move and nothing happens other than her standing in a room staring at a guy.
Was able to fix it by starting entirely fresh and just level skipping to get there after deleting all of the saves.
I have no idea what caused the issue.
This kind of issue usually appear when some data is corrupted and the game can't read it. I'll try to reproduce it to see what happened.
what do i do with the screwdriver
If you talk to the arcade shop guy in the supermarket you can start a side quest to open it that involve the screwdriver. Be wary though,it's not finished yet.
hey where is the rattle oh and how do i get the fuse
It's near a dumpster not so far off the main plaza where the crying girl is.
Hey, I just created this account to say that I really think this project has a great future!! Good job and please keep going!!! I'm a 3d artist (not professional) myself and I'm here if you want help with it :))
Hey, thanks for your support. You can contact me at if you want to talk about help and collaboration. I'm looking for both 2d and 3d artists.
Email sent!
hey i found a glitch where if you get the board the girl and the pacifier and the talk to clue girl again it will give you the last clue
Nice catch. I'll put it on my debug list.
How to find the 4th clue ( I found the rattle and the pacifier, and I talked to the girl? )
You have to read the add panel near the library entrance, right next to an old guy sitting on a bench.
I found it then another one :
I got the key to the haunted house, what should i do now because i can't get in even though I talked to jason?
You have to use the key (left click in your inventory) to gain access to the house)