Found an interesting and weird bug, saving at the start of the boss fight everything works fine and normal but saving AFTER causes the fight to become unwinnable upon loading that save.
You don't even need to save at the start. I saved right after grabbing the access key, and the fight became unwinnable (I swear I hit it at least 50 times). Deciding to see if letting it hit me so I'd lose, I went through all that and returned to the room, and it doesn't matter how many times I hit it, I still can't win.
Also, for some reason Jason and Baby Jason exist at the same time and Jason in the small town is stuck saying the same dialogue outside the community center.
1. is there a way you can access the city of everbright? i tried even using the 40 debug to make the game be in its completed state but its still blocked off
2. is there a effective way to kill the final boss? i read the guide and get the idea behind it but its impossible to see whether or not the shield on the target is down or not unless youre at the very edge of the arena facing it. im also not sure where im supposed to throw items at it like if its in a specific spot or i just have to hit the throw button anywhere once the shields down
This is meant as a call to the future project...Maybe you'll get news about that city in a not-so far off future ! Once you met her in the student bathroom, she can next be found in the university during the day.
Do you know how to get back into underwear? Everytime I try to change back for the club challenge it tells me that I need someone to help me with diapers.
Unfortunately I'm having the same issue, but I can't take it off even in my own house. It just says that I need someone else to help me, no matter where I try it at. It unfortunately makes the ABDL club impossible for me to even get into, because I can't take the diaper off to do that step.
Oh! So, I don't know why this didn't work the first time I tried it, but the issue fixed itself when I closed and reopened the game. It only worked the second time i did that though, as it didn't work before.
there is a bug with the in house bottom flor tolet as using it will give you regression points and at least 1 of the other tolets in the mall have the same problem
The walkthrough will be updated till the end of the game when the public version will be updated. If you're stuck, you can throw me a PM so I can help you.
Hi, could you reveal if at this moment the available endings differ more from each other? Once I chose the option to make a portable babification ray. The second time, the option to babify Jason and disable the machinery. Other than what happens to Jason, are there any other differences at this point, such as changes in the world?
I also wonder if babyfication ray is usable in this version.
In the current member-only build, the post-end game is not yet done. The ending you choose is "saved" on your save so any subsequent changes might get consequences later. The babyfication ray is not usable yet, but will soon get his use!
Did you finish the haunted house? If so, did you find the item that allow you to push crates? If not, you should go back a bit and backtrack to find it. It will allow you to find the key to the locked room and continue the story.
I've just installed update 19 and, previously playing on public release, and I have two issues.
- Where could I find Ryan? I know that he should be outside the campus, but I cannot spot him. There is only one girl on a bench. I also walked through university, and did't find him.
- What I supposed to do with desperate girl? When I interact with her, while she cannot find keys, her holding bar appears, but I cannot do anything, after that there is only short dialog. Am I missing something?
Also hairdresser menu isn't displayed properly in resolutions lower than native, and it's impossible to choose haircut or exit the menu.
- Ryan can be found on the university roof after you completed the school at night level. This include tricking the guard guarding the lab to sneak past him.
- At this stage, you have a small time windows to find her key lying somewhere close around and bring it to her. Even if you fail, this will still progress through her story and the next event is inside the university.
Thanks for the report about the hairdresser UI, i'll look into it. Do you have some example resolutions where the UI break?
Now I wonder if Ryan mission is working properly for me. I suppose that one of the memories is in the Art Studio, and I need missing statue to solve that puzzle? I can't find in anywhere, and when I used cheat to get LostStatue item, there is no further interaction.
Problem with hairdresser UI apeared in 1366×768.
Also Ravenbrook supplier's mission to get package seems incomplete, guy standing by truck outside store in town says only about "fixing a knob". Is it a bug, or it's just incomplete so far?
It's probably because the item isn't tied to the flag. You can find the lost statue in a back alley of the upper district, near a bin.
Thanks for the input. I've corrected the hairdresser UI for all resolutions.
As for the supplier mission, it is complete. You first have to talk to the guy outside the store in Ravenbrook so the truck guy in the main city give you the package.
But the supplier mission still seems to be broken, I talked with a guy in Ravenbrook, and nothing changed.
Also Lizzie minigame on playgroud seems to be bugged. when it should start, my character is freezed. Unstuck command doesn't help, warping to spawn too. I can use my inventory etc, but I can't move.
And when I play with others in club, ending dialog is like in 3x loop. If I win:
1. Competitor gets punished. 2. Reloading the scene - now the dialogue plays as if I was the one who lost and I get laxative. 3. Reloaded once again, the same way.
I must admit I'm a little conufsed as I can't reproduce the bug. The quest work fine on my side. The dialog you see belong to another worker. If it doesn't bother you, you can send me your player-log file to so I can analyse it a bit further. Generally speaking, I prefer if you send me a mail for bugs so it's easier for me to tracks theses instead of comments.
As for the other bugs, I'll look into it. Thanks !
Make sure you activated cheat in the option to be able to use the console while typing F12.
ABDL diapers are accessible in the diaper club or the shady vendor after bringing him his suitcase, so you don't have to absolutely use the console, save some specifics items that are not obtainable by normal means for now.
She's intended to be the "tutorial friend" that introduce you to new mechanisms but to be fair I haven't got the time to developp her as well as I want. She's gonna get some love one day.
If you don't see an interaction bubble there's probably nothing. My plan is to go back and add a lot of small interaction and details to the world once I'm done with the 1.0 version of the game, so I'll probably add that here too.
Hello. I don't know English, so I translate everything through the mobile application, and it has a problem with the fonts when communicating between people. Could something simple be done about it? Thank you
The font style is bright pink (so it's pretty), but the mobile photo translator has problems with it, so I have to rewrite the entire dialogues manually.
It's hard to give you a simple answer to this, but you're pointing something that need to be adressed. I'll see if I can prepare an accessibility option oto make the font more contrasted so it's easier to read.
It's finished but to be honest I had troubles on how to wrap it up so it simply loop. I wish I had more time to do it better. If you encounter a bug with the camera though, you probably need to use the debug command camerasavefix to resolve the issue
Aha,I have no problem with the camera! as i skip the level 2 with a new game and go to Hospital lab, say his/her frend "thats a trap" as i see the player wear a pacifier, baby pink diaper and a hospital towel. my question is, only from curiosity: What they want do with the player?
You have to go from the other side. If you found the item, there's a switch nearby that open a door in the mansion garden that allow to meet with the hat ghost.
about the "You have to go from the other side. If you found the item, there's a switch nearby that open a door in the mansion garden that allow to meet with the hat ghost." I can't seem to find it. Any like indications? or images
i already in the diaper club and got the glasses ... so what next? i only have the achvement ( unexpectedly ) about recruiting her and i didn't do her memory game but i haven't seen her in the club?
I'll check the achievement, because if you didn't do her game and if she isn't in the club, it's probably a visual bug. If you speak to her while wearing a diaper, you should get an option to get further than the rumor and engage a conversation with her about the club.
It's the area which you can access through two littles backstreets from the main city. You'll take a path up and arrive at a new part of the city. You can find one of theses path near the bus.
I unzipped the file, but when I tired putting into a new unity project It wouldn't work, I even redownloaded it and tried again and it didn't work. So i'm not sure how to play.
you don't have to open it in the engine (the unity project). This is not the decompiled project, it's the compiled game. You just have to use the executable (.exe file) to launch the game.
won't let me unzip if it runs on unity than surely it should be able to run on Chrome I've never had this issue where I couldn't unzip and play a game that runs on unity before... if I'm doing something wrong than instructions would be appreciated...
yep it says code execution cannot proceed because unityplayer.dil was not found so it's not working. In short the game is completely unplayable for me because if I try to play it through 7zip my computer won't even recognize unityplayer... Sorry I'd love to give my support to this project but there are either too many hoops to shoot through just to start the game or it's just not playable for some peoples computers. Neither are things that I personally am looking for in a game.
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Found an interesting and weird bug, saving at the start of the boss fight everything works fine and normal but saving AFTER causes the fight to become unwinnable upon loading that save.
You don't even need to save at the start. I saved right after grabbing the access key, and the fight became unwinnable (I swear I hit it at least 50 times). Deciding to see if letting it hit me so I'd lose, I went through all that and returned to the room, and it doesn't matter how many times I hit it, I still can't win.
That doesn't sound normal indeed, but I would need to take a look at your save to see if there's any issue. You can mail it to me if you'd like to.
Hey, does the mini baby ray actually do anything?
Also, for some reason Jason and Baby Jason exist at the same time and Jason in the small town is stuck saying the same dialogue outside the community center.
need new walkthrough link
It's the same link as before. You can find it in the game description.
Why do I prompt for file damage after downloading
I added a mirror link to the game description, that lead to a single download file. You can check it out.
1. is there a way you can access the city of everbright? i tried even using the 40 debug to make the game be in its completed state but its still blocked off
2. is there a effective way to kill the final boss? i read the guide and get the idea behind it but its impossible to see whether or not the shield on the target is down or not unless youre at the very edge of the arena facing it. im also not sure where im supposed to throw items at it like if its in a specific spot or i just have to hit the throw button anywhere once the shields down
1 - No, this is the limit of the map.
2- Just hitting the general area of the ray is enough. If you're having trouble aiming, try disabling the camera recentering, it can help adjust.
out of curiousity will everbright be accessible in the future? also where can i find anita the last place i saw her was the student building bathroom
This is meant as a call to the future project...Maybe you'll get news about that city in a not-so far off future !
Once you met her in the student bathroom, she can next be found in the university during the day.
oh nice and thanks for the tip
after getting out of the hospital, how do you progress the story without jason? talking to him doesnt get the stink bomb
You can buy stinky bombs at the shady vendor.
I can only see him selling the maturiy pills and diaper club tokens
It sell it only if you're mature enough.
How do I voluntarily pee to complete the teacher's challenges? I've tried a bunch of buttons, but can't find the way to do it
hit the bladder button near your maturity gauge when your bladder is full
Do you know how to get back into underwear? Everytime I try to change back for the club challenge it tells me that I need someone to help me with diapers.
It depend of the area you're in. It shouldn't prevent you to do it in your house for example.
Unfortunately I'm having the same issue, but I can't take it off even in my own house. It just says that I need someone else to help me, no matter where I try it at. It unfortunately makes the ABDL club impossible for me to even get into, because I can't take the diaper off to do that step.
Oh! So, I don't know why this didn't work the first time I tried it, but the issue fixed itself when I closed and reopened the game. It only worked the second time i did that though, as it didn't work before.
you can also talk to the guard through the staff only door while the door is closed in the library at which point he kicks you out
there is a bug with the in house bottom flor tolet as using it will give you regression points and at least 1 of the other tolets in the mall have the same problem
It's not a bug : using a toilet when it's "too late" lower a bit the maturity.
when will the full version go public
You can find this information on my latest devlog post here :
Hey, really quickly how do I open that door to the pack in the hospital?
It get opened during the initial sequence of the hospital level, when taking the sample to the doctor.
Well it's closed now and it's been a while since I did the Hospital, is there any way to open it again?
EDIT: Also, the fire alarm only gets rid of the AGENTS, it does nothing with the ward staff or the office workers.
Should Ryan be in Diaper Club after I completed quest with his memories? He is no longer on the roof, neither in the club.
He's in vacation for now. He will probably return in the post-game content.
It won't let me cross the bridge. What do i do?
What bridge are you talking about?
it was in the hospital
It's tied to story progression. If you follow the story after the haunted house, you'll naturally come to cross the bridge.
When's the final release?
Soon ! I'll make an announcement this week.
The Hype is real.
How far does the game content go im in the next town found the wishing well and 2 clues and cant progress further
The public version don't include that area so I guess you're talking about the member-only version. It goes until the end of the game.
I can not seem to progress i checked the guide for help and it did not have anything about the are
The walkthrough will be updated till the end of the game when the public version will be updated. If you're stuck, you can throw me a PM so I can help you.
dose the game have bdsm content?
The public release doesn't yet, but the future release will have the caregiver bar, which include some light BDSM content like spanking.
so wil we be able to have mits tat kant be removed unles you ask sm on a pacigag with a strap or just spanking?
For now this kind of equipable items are not in the game but could be on the table as additional content for the caregiver bar.
Where memory glasses find?
diaper club? Can't understand see school?
Hi. open the door for the hat ghost
arcade fix what bug
Open the cheat console and type in camerasavefix, this will resolve the arcade bug.
What help what find can't understand
This is a side quest that is not yet available in the public version of the game. You'll have to wait a little bit.
what crying girl missing sister main story. what baby stuff?. can't understand find maybe bruh
I'm sorry, I can't understand well where you are stuck. Can you be a little more precise?
I'm sorry OK. Yes house see thank you. See city build crying girl find baby girl. :)
Ok, you seems unblocked now that you finished the tutorial. Have fun !
what lab box press e?
What find pacifier
Hello, you can find the walkthrough here if you need help.
Hi, could you reveal if at this moment the available endings differ more from each other? Once I chose the option to make a portable babification ray. The second time, the option to babify Jason and disable the machinery.
Other than what happens to Jason, are there any other differences at this point, such as changes in the world?
I also wonder if babyfication ray is usable in this version.
In the current member-only build, the post-end game is not yet done. The ending you choose is "saved" on your save so any subsequent changes might get consequences later. The babyfication ray is not usable yet, but will soon get his use!
will the final version 9.6 be free
like I posted in my 2024 roadmap devlog, the 1.0.0 will be free and should release later this year.
do u have a pasific month in mind
At this point it's not possible to give a precise date. I'll probably need around three months of work.
hi, I'm stuck at the start of chapter 4 of the main story (in diapered mode)
nothing has changed compared to 3 the street is clear now
but Jason stays at the library with his message to go see the cemetery and the hospital, I can't do anything, it's impossible to move forward
as for the mini quest to recover the key to the room on the floor of the house it's the same it is not available to me
in secondary quest I obtained the screwdrivers, re-opened the arcade room, obtained the object at the first success in the lab and obtained a wallet
Did you finish the haunted house? If so, did you find the item that allow you to push crates? If not, you should go back a bit and backtrack to find it. It will allow you to find the key to the locked room and continue the story.
after a lot of try a i see the item , thx
I've just installed update 19 and, previously playing on public release, and I have two issues.
- Where could I find Ryan? I know that he should be outside the campus, but I cannot spot him. There is only one girl on a bench. I also walked through university, and did't find him.
- What I supposed to do with desperate girl? When I interact with her, while she cannot find keys, her holding bar appears, but I cannot do anything, after that there is only short dialog. Am I missing something?
Also hairdresser menu isn't displayed properly in resolutions lower than native, and it's impossible to choose haircut or exit the menu.
- Ryan can be found on the university roof after you completed the school at night level. This include tricking the guard guarding the lab to sneak past him.
- At this stage, you have a small time windows to find her key lying somewhere close around and bring it to her. Even if you fail, this will still progress through her story and the next event is inside the university.
Thanks for the report about the hairdresser UI, i'll look into it. Do you have some example resolutions where the UI break?
Thanks, got it.
Now I wonder if Ryan mission is working properly for me. I suppose that one of the memories is in the Art Studio, and I need missing statue to solve that puzzle? I can't find in anywhere, and when I used cheat to get LostStatue item, there is no further interaction.
Problem with hairdresser UI apeared in 1366×768.
Also Ravenbrook supplier's mission to get package seems incomplete, guy standing by truck outside store in town says only about "fixing a knob". Is it a bug, or it's just incomplete so far?
It's probably because the item isn't tied to the flag. You can find the lost statue in a back alley of the upper district, near a bin.
Thanks for the input. I've corrected the hairdresser UI for all resolutions.
As for the supplier mission, it is complete. You first have to talk to the guy outside the store in Ravenbrook so the truck guy in the main city give you the package.
Thank you so much.
But the supplier mission still seems to be broken, I talked with a guy in Ravenbrook, and nothing changed.
Also Lizzie minigame on playgroud seems to be bugged. when it should start, my character is freezed. Unstuck command doesn't help, warping to spawn too. I can use my inventory etc, but I can't move.
And when I play with others in club, ending dialog is like in 3x loop. If I win:
1. Competitor gets punished. 2. Reloading the scene - now the dialogue plays as if I was the one who lost and I get laxative. 3. Reloaded once again, the same way.
This did not happen at the public release.
I must admit I'm a little conufsed as I can't reproduce the bug. The quest work fine on my side. The dialog you see belong to another worker. If it doesn't bother you, you can send me your player-log file to so I can analyse it a bit further. Generally speaking, I prefer if you send me a mail for bugs so it's easier for me to tracks theses instead of comments.
As for the other bugs, I'll look into it. Thanks !
Il y a des bugs dans la version 18 :
- Après avoir trouvé la fille infantilisée (fin du tutoriel), je reprends le jeu dans la ville, devant la bibliothèque et non dans ma maison
- Quand je veux aller dans la maison hantée, je me retrouve dans la ville, devant la bibliothèque et non dans ma maison
Thanks for the head-up, it will be fixed in the next release.
Thank you for your answer. I tried as well the control F12 to get items. It does not work either.
A suggestion: could we by abd diapers or clothers (such as a dungaree) at the supermarket?
Make sure you activated cheat in the option to be able to use the console while typing F12.
ABDL diapers are accessible in the diaper club or the shady vendor after bringing him his suitcase, so you don't have to absolutely use the console, save some specifics items that are not obtainable by normal means for now.
I activated cheats in the option. When I type in the consol « giveitemCushiesDiapers » the gale does not recognise the code
You have to keep a space between giveitem and the item name.
where is the girl that is lost in the first mission school to home i tried doing the tutorial too and still couldnt find her
nvm after a few minutes i realized i had to look behind me
Where can we follow you and support the project now that patreon went nuclear?
Hey. You can see this recent post :
For now, I don't know, but I'll be sure to post here when things will settle down.
Been meaning to ask, what plans do you have for Mary? As far as i know her calls Dont do anything
She's intended to be the "tutorial friend" that introduce you to new mechanisms but to be fair I haven't got the time to developp her as well as I want. She's gonna get some love one day.
why in shoping centre i have dark/lov visibility while i see on screen shot that there is normal light in there
Try toggling light on/off in the settings - Graphics. It's a small bug on initialization.
Thanks it help. But what about chests in Hospital level, there is no interaction with them but they look like they should have interaction
If you don't see an interaction bubble there's probably nothing. My plan is to go back and add a lot of small interaction and details to the world once I'm done with the 1.0 version of the game, so I'll probably add that here too.
Hello. I don't know English, so I translate everything through the mobile application, and it has a problem with the fonts when communicating between people. Could something simple be done about it? Thank you
Could you be more precise? What kind of issue do you encounter?
The font style is bright pink (so it's pretty), but the mobile photo translator has problems with it, so I have to rewrite the entire dialogues manually.
It's hard to give you a simple answer to this, but you're pointing something that need to be adressed. I'll see if I can prepare an accessibility option oto make the font more contrasted so it's easier to read.
Thank you
is the {coughted scene} Hospital Lab not finish? i use the new public release. :)
It's finished but to be honest I had troubles on how to wrap it up so it simply loop. I wish I had more time to do it better.
If you encounter a bug with the camera though, you probably need to use the debug command camerasavefix to resolve the issue
Aha,I have no problem with the camera! as i skip the level 2 with a new game and go to Hospital lab, say his/her frend "thats a trap" as i see the player wear a pacifier, baby pink diaper and a hospital towel. my question is, only from curiosity: What they want do with the player?
How to open the door for the hat ghost in the first floor? Since i got the item
You have to go from the other side. If you found the item, there's a switch nearby that open a door in the mansion garden that allow to meet with the hat ghost.
about the screwdriver part, why i can't give to the worker yet?
You first have to talk about the fuse to the arcade guy.
about the "You have to go from the other side. If you found the item, there's a switch nearby that open a door in the mansion garden that allow to meet with the hat ghost." I can't seem to find it. Any like indications? or images
i got the girl at the arcade ... how to recruit her? she just say that there's a rumour
You need to be a diaper club member and have the memory glasses.
i already in the diaper club and got the glasses ... so what next? i only have the achvement ( unexpectedly ) about recruiting her and i didn't do her memory game but i haven't seen her in the club?
I'll check the achievement, because if you didn't do her game and if she isn't in the club, it's probably a visual bug.
If you speak to her while wearing a diaper, you should get an option to get further than the rumor and engage a conversation with her about the club.
ok, now trying to fins memory shard but i need to save first. also where's another one to recruit?
I got the push item, i tried to push the crates from the park, why i can't?? it's like no avail .. and i can't equip it
Did you use it? You need to use it to gain the push skill.
Ok, my bad, still struggling to how to get to the hat ghost on the 1st floor, just gave up and do to hide and seek
Is it somehow possible to play this game on Android?
No, it's windows only. Android would require a very specific optimization, without even talking about touchscreen control.
Ngl,this game is good,But I still have wonders,which are where is the upper city plaza
It's the area which you can access through two littles backstreets from the main city. You'll take a path up and arrive at a new part of the city. You can find one of theses path near the bus.
please put on stam so i can pay for full version
The game will never be on steam, for a number of reasons, the first and most important one being that steam really don't like fetish oriented game.
The full version will eventually be available here for free when the development will be over, so you'll be able to have it.
Enjoying the game so far.
If you take suggestions:
1)Have a rattle(when shaken) turn an NPC into mentally regressed babies.
2)Gun from the lab same thing or physical regression of NPC.
Neat ideas, I'm putting it in my backlog and I'll see if this is doable.
gun with physical regression
I unzipped the file, but when I tired putting into a new unity project It wouldn't work, I even redownloaded it and tried again and it didn't work. So i'm not sure how to play.
you don't have to open it in the engine (the unity project). This is not the decompiled project, it's the compiled game. You just have to use the executable (.exe file) to launch the game.
won't let me unzip if it runs on unity than surely it should be able to run on Chrome I've never had this issue where I couldn't unzip and play a game that runs on unity before... if I'm doing something wrong than instructions would be appreciated...
Did you use 7zip? I think the basic windows unzipper won't work on 7z. I mainly use this because it's more efficient at compressing files that .zip.
I installed 7-zip but can't find any other application but 7z
yep it says code execution cannot proceed because unityplayer.dil was not found so it's not working. In short the game is completely unplayable for me because if I try to play it through 7zip my computer won't even recognize unityplayer... Sorry I'd love to give my support to this project but there are either too many hoops to shoot through just to start the game or it's just not playable for some peoples computers. Neither are things that I personally am looking for in a game.
Try running it as administrator. The file is here, either it didn't get extracted properly, or the system won't let you read it.
Edit : you don't play it through 7zip. You have to extract it.